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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/15)20180416 
Rutkay Hi all, me again08:39.20 
  I found a bugzilla issue which is similar to mine https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=695208 08:39.41 
  I tried to use stocht.ps to make output darker. My command: gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 ${EXTRA} -r204x196 -sOutputFile=$outfile $infile -Ilib stocht.ps -c "{ 2. exp } settransfer" quit 08:40.42 
  I'm not getting different output than: gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 ${EXTRA} -r204x196 -sOutputFile=$outfile $infile -c quit08:41.22 
  What am I doing wrong?08:41.32 
chrisl IIRC, that method of setting the transfer function doesn't work for PDF files08:41.42 
Rutkay my input file is .ps file actually08:42.11 
chrisl Well, it may also depend on the contents of the PS file....08:42.37 
kens You've put $infile *before* you execute the transfer funxtion08:42.39 
chrisl Oh, and that too.... :-)08:42.50 
Rutkay What it means?08:43.02 
kens Ghostscript executes the command line in order08:43.15 
Robin_Watts Rutkay: Did you try the command I suggested before?08:43.23 
kens So it processes $outfile then $infile then carries on and processes the -Ilib, then stocht.ps then -c.... -f08:43.53 
  So your inptu file is rendered before the stocht.ps file and before the -c -f PostScript setup08:44.14 
Rutkay Robin, pdfwrite one?08:44.19 
kens Therefore the code after the $infile has no effect on the processing of $infile08:44.30 
Robin_Watts No, the tiffscaled one.08:45.06 
  Ideally, from what you said the other day, you should use pdfwrite.08:45.20 
Rutkay I cannot use it because of my old environment and ghostscript version :/08:45.23 
Robin_Watts Ah.08:45.33 
Rutkay I'm using rhel6 and gs8.708:45.38 
kens BTW the code between -c and -f sets a transfer funciton, which was the last thing I sugegsted to tyou08:45.40 
Rutkay Kens, it is worked when I run it as you said 08:48.39 
  I'm continuing on my experiments 08:49.02 
  This conversion may be fits for me 08:49.25 
kens You could drop stocht.ps and run with a regular halftone screen. the settransfer is what makes the output darker, as I previously suggested08:49.38 
Rutkay This solutions seems good for now. Hope this conversion will not ruin any other files which are rendered as good as we want before the change. I'm going to try with different files. Thanks again08:54.30 
kens chrisl you should probably mark 698767 as 'notified', because it was me that raised it. The actual customer hadn't complained, I just noticed the problem while working on it. NB this is because the customer is *still* using 8.71.....14:09.33 
chrisl kens: Okay, will do14:09.49 
kens Thanks :-)14:13.25 
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