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HenryStiles sebras: I'm afraid you've modified jbig2 to the point of ownership (http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/ghostpdl.git;a=shortlog), should I make you the default assignee in bugzilla and who_owns_what.txt?14:15.57 
chrisl HenryStiles: I warned him that would happen - he's no one to blame but himself!14:18.58 
HenryStiles :-)14:20.32 
sebras does who_owns_what.txt explain who owns who_owns_what.txt?14:34.59 
  chrisl: in all honesty, you dod. and I was foolish enough to just want to fix the issue in the annex h bitstream that has been there since jbig2dec's inception. :)14:35.41 
HenryStiles shelly also helps out with it but I think it good you own it.14:37.17 
  sebras: ^^^14:37.33 
sebras HenryStiles: yeah, I can see how it helps if there are urgent issues.14:38.28 
  HenryStiles: I hope there are none! :)14:38.42 
Robin_Watts kens: ping!14:42.37 
kens Yep ?14:42.43 
Robin_Watts I'm looking at this ps2write thing.14:42.56 
kens OK14:42.59 
Robin_Watts And I think the problem is that ps2write is capturing image data by making a device just big enough for the image, and getting the image plotting stuff to fill it in.14:43.33 
kens Very probably true14:43.44 
Robin_Watts So I'm being asked to write to an image device that's 0x28 wide.14:43.50 
kens Though I doubt its 'capturing' image data that way14:43.54 
  I suspect its creating an image device and rendering something like a type 4 image to it14:44.09 
Robin_Watts It is a type4 image.14:44.16 
kens Because level 2 doesn't support that kind of image14:44.18 
  Right so the only way we can handle it is to render it14:44.37 
Robin_Watts So I get called to plot an image starting at (say) (100,0)14:44.56 
  The old code plots that by doing a series of fill_rectangles starting at (100,0)14:45.27 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I left a message about the PXL issue, let me know if I can do more with it. I stepped through your code, but didn't see anything obvious, I can look again.14:45.41 
Robin_Watts lcvd_fill_rectangle_shifted gets called, and that shifts the data leftwards to 0,0, and plots it into the device.14:45.53 
  HenryStiles: Yeah, I saw, thanks. I'll talk to you about that in a bit.14:46.09 
kens yeah lcvd is a locacl covnert device or soemthing14:46.10 
Robin_Watts kens will head off before HenryStiles :)14:46.18 
kens I'm here ofr a bit yet :)14:46.29 
Robin_Watts kens: Right, so in the new code, I clip x and y against 0 and dev->width./14:46.44 
  and that of course doesn't work.14:47.05 
kens Talk to tor for a second while I find the code14:47.25 
  Robin_Watts : yell when you are ready again.14:48.48 
Robin_Watts kens: thanks, sorry.14:49.04 
kens NP14:49.08 
  So I'm not sure why clipping is a problem14:49.15 
  Oops thought tor was done....14:49.35 
kens waits some more14:49.41 
HenryStiles chrisl: do you get the aws emails? The business about switching to longer id's?14:50.04 
chrisl HenryStiles: I saw it, I haven't read it properly yet14:50.27 
  "Systems that parse or store resource IDs...." - I'm not sure we do anything like that14:51.27 
HenryStiles chrisl: I believe it is to do with accessing instances from scripts 14:52.26 
  but not sure14:52.30 
chrisl Yeh, which I don't think we have anything that does that14:52.47 
HenryStiles it will matter for the new containers and arguably we should switch to scripts for security (according to Corin)14:53.12 
chrisl Switch what to scripts?14:53.38 
HenryStiles accessing and doing everything from the command line instead of using the dashboard panel14:54.00 
chrisl We pretty much only use the dashboard to reboot casper....14:54.48 
  It seems we have to reboot/relaunch casper to get long IDs, too <sigh>14:55.39 
HenryStiles well if we ever need to do a restore we'd use the dash14:55.53 
chrisl We couldn't really script that, though.14:56.28 
  I guess the question is: how much time do we want to spend learning the AWS/ECS APIs, and writing scripts, for the rare occasions we need to access those functions?14:57.53 
HenryStiles everything you can do on the dash has a command line equivalent (AWS command line interface)14:58.06 
chrisl So, what was the last backup image, then? And would it be the right one to use for a restore?14:59.25 
Robin_Watts kens: Ok, I think I'm back.15:03.46 
kens :-)15:03.50 
  So disclaimer; this isn't my code (I blame my repdecessor) and most of what I've done has been around avoiding ever getting here.....15:04.18 
Robin_Watts kens: I suspect that your code is fine.15:04.27 
kens Given that the lcvd device 'seems' to haev a set of methods for handling images, how come you are bypassing them ?15:04.49 
Robin_Watts and that it's my problem for assuming that every device can accept X values between 0 and dev->width15:04.58 
  kens: actually, maybe it's not my fault.15:05.16 
kens Is this down to the fact that you haven#'t defined a device method for this yet ?15:05.16 
Robin_Watts no.15:05.20 
kens Oh.....15:05.27 
  I'm missing a vital piece somewhere15:05.40 
  Sinfe the device seems to 'shift' everything, why is there a problem ?15:05.54 
Robin_Watts When you write into a device, I think the convention is that you can reasonably expect the device to accept only pixels written between (0,0) and (dev->width,dev->height)15:06.02 
  Anything outside that can be assumed to be clipped away.15:06.22 
  Does that seem fair?15:06.28 
kens Broadly, though I've known devices where the raster could be smaller (needs to be a set size, but you can't print to all of it)15:07.00 
Robin_Watts kens: OK, but even in that case, anything outside of that range still wouldn't appear.15:07.32 
kens Indeed15:07.38 
Robin_Watts (0,0) -> (dev->width,dev->height) is an "upper" bound on what will be recognised, if you like.15:08.01 
kens Yep15:08.05 
Robin_Watts ps2write is presenting a device that goes from (0,0) -> (small, small)15:08.21 
  say (0,0) -> (100,100)15:08.28 
kens Yes15:08.30 
Robin_Watts but then pixels sent to (200,200) might get shifted down by (200,200) to be at (0,0)15:08.53 
kens Exactly so yes15:09.02 
Robin_Watts so the actual pixels accepted by that device are (200,200)->(300,300)15:09.05 
  which breaks the convention above.15:09.14 
kens But it does the shift5ing itself (I think)15:09.16 
Robin_Watts It does, but that doesn't help callers who have looked at the device and said "Oh, these pixels are out of range, I won't bother sending them"15:09.42 
kens I htink that decision should not be made os early then15:10.23 
  Its a question of where the actual 'device' ends15:10.36 
  This exhibits the nature of the dichotomy in Ghostscript15:10.50 
Robin_Watts kens: We've just agreed that devices should pass a dev->width and a dev->height that reflects the upper bound of what is acceptable.15:11.01 
kens Where chained 'devices' are not actually the terminal device15:11.02 
Robin_Watts and now you've changed your mind.15:11.20 
kens Not p[recisely15:11.28 
  Its depends what you categorise as a 'device'15:11.36 
  Which is what I was trying to express15:11.44 
  In Ghostscript everything is a 'device'15:11.51 
Robin_Watts The "dev" pointer that is given to callers. That's the device in question.15:11.56 
kens even itf its intermediate between teh interpreter and the actuual print engine15:12.04 
  Yeah but that's my point15:12.10 
  While the actual print engine can reasonably be limited in this way, the intermediate devices need not be15:12.32 
  In AN Other rip we hade 'devices' and 'device classes'15:12.47 
  devices were real physical things15:12.56 
Robin_Watts The whole point of the device encapsulation is that everyone should be able to assume that a device behaves in the same way.15:13.07 
kens device classes were things between the interpreter and actual device15:13.11 
Robin_Watts Whether it's an intermediate device or not shouldn't matter.15:13.19 
kens I think it does15:13.26 
Robin_Watts Clearly, it does not :)15:13.33 
kens What hte lcvd device is doing here is not unreasoable15:13.35 
Robin_Watts Yes it is.15:13.40 
kens For its intended purpose15:13.42 
  No it isn't15:13.46 
  Its creating a 'peephole' of the final canvas15:13.58 
  and rendering to that, but shiftin the peephole so that its moved to 0,0 for tha actual output15:14.22 
Robin_Watts Suppose the final canvas is (1000,1000)15:14.28 
kens Otherwise it would need to create a potentially large canvas just ot render a small area15:14.43 
Robin_Watts and the lvcd device wants to offer a peephole to the middle (500,500)->(600,600) of that.15:14.57 
  Then it can create a memory image device for (0,0)->(100,100)15:15.20 
  and it can redirect writes to the lvcd device to the memory image by shifting them down by (500,500).15:15.48 
kens I thought that was what it was doing15:15.59 
Robin_Watts But the actual lvcd device should still claim to have width/height of 1000/1000, not 100/100.15:16.10 
kens Hmmmmm15:16.17 
Robin_Watts That last bit is what it's not doing.15:16.19 
kens But then clipping might be incorrect ?15:16.41 
  I htink this same approach is used for shadings15:16.53 
  And those can extend up to the edge of the raster15:17.02 
  I suppose creating a clip path at the same time would solve that15:17.32 
  If that's possible at this level15:17.38 
Robin_Watts kens: The caller is absolutely allowed to assume that any writes to a device outside of the (0,0)->(dev->width,dev->height) range will have no effect.15:17.38 
  and the lvcd device breaks that at the moment.15:18.00 
kens Currenlty it works15:18.15 
Robin_Watts It bloody doesn't :15:18.24 
  It bloody doesn't :)15:18.26 
kens It doesn't for your code, the existing code works15:18.33 
  Now I'm not defgending it, but I can see problems wiht altering it15:18.45 
Robin_Watts kens: Cos it's getting lucky.15:18.51 
kens Potential problems anyway15:18.52 
  Its been lucky ofr > 10 years15:19.01 
Robin_Watts Regardless.15:19.08 
kens Brekaing it isn't going to fly15:19.17 
Robin_Watts kens: brb, sorry.15:19.34 
kens OK15:19.38 
Robin_Watts kens: So, what do you forsee as being the problem with having the lvcd device give the proper (full) width/height ?15:21.16 
kens I'm not against changing it, but I'm trying to think through the implications. Given that I'm not intimately familiar with the code, I'm concerned that altering the width/height might change the clipping, causing attempted writes within the width/height, but outside the memory device raster. Because a shading can have Extend [true true] which will extend to the edge of the raster15:21.23 
  ie if we define a memory raster 100x100 but say the width is 1000 then the sadhing plotter might try to write a raster > 100 pixels15:22.02 
Robin_Watts kens: The lvcd device would have a different width/height. The underlying memory device would have the true one for the shifted window.15:22.11 
  At the moment, if I ignored clipping and tried to write a 1000 pixel wide raster to the lvcd device, that'd get shifted and passed through to the memory one.15:22.49 
kens Oh, so its the lcvd device declaring a width that's incorrect ?15:22.57 
Robin_Watts Yes.15:23.02 
kens Right I missed that15:23.06 
Robin_Watts The lcvd is saying (100,100) wide, when it should be dev->width,dev->height.15:23.20 
kens Again thopough does this mean that by declaring a width of 1000, we'd get attempts to plot outside the actual underlying raster ?15:23.32 
Robin_Watts kens: No.15:23.50 
kens OK we could throw those away in the lcvd device, but its wasterful to even attempt to plot it15:23.53 
  Well if you're sure, then OK15:24.01 
Robin_Watts I don't see why there should be any problem that we don't already have15:24.22 
kens is unsure15:24.33 
  Not really familiar with the code here15:24.40 
Robin_Watts At the moment, if I plot a 1000 pixel wide raster, the lcvd device shifts the origin, but passes on the request to the memory device unchanged.15:24.47 
  and the memory device clips it.15:24.56 
kens Hmm, OK15:25.17 
  As I say, does thi mean that we will attempt to plot areas which are not in the memory device, and then throw them away ? It just a performance waste.15:26.08 
  But it seems not unreasonable anyway15:26.15 
  Now I understand what you're saying better15:26.22 
Robin_Watts kens: No more so than we are doing already.15:26.43 
kens Then I guess its not a problem15:26.51 
Robin_Watts In order to avoid that we'd have to have each device have a left/top as well as the current right/bottom.15:27.33 
kens Yeah15:27.43 
Robin_Watts kens: So where can we make this change? :)15:28.32 
kens I have no idea, I assumed you would know15:28.45 
  Presumably somewhere in gdevpdfd.c15:28.53 
Robin_Watts I can see where lcvd is called. I can't see where it's created.15:29.00 
kens gdevpdfd.c15:29.08 
  line 1323 or so15:29.26 
chrisl What are mapped_x/y for?15:29.58 
kens For shifting from the requested x and y to 0,015:30.13 
  Or so I understand it (possibly incorrectly)15:30.28 
chrisl Odd that there's a mapped_height but not width15:31.03 
kens There's a mapped height ?15:31.25 
  Robin_Watts : does that look like the right place ?15:32.13 
chrisl In the memory device structure15:32.17 
kens Oh, I hadn't looked at the structure15:32.27 
Robin_Watts kens: That's where I'm at, yes.15:32.30 
kens The code doesn't fill it in15:32.32 
Robin_Watts ok, so the problem is that this stuff doesn't make a cvd device.15:35.30 
  It makes a mem device, and bends it.15:35.41 
kens Looks like it yes15:35.47 
  You might say it wraps soemthing around the device15:36.23 
  A pretty poor compromise really15:36.51 
  At a guess I'd say this is because of the limitations in chaining devices15:37.46 
Robin_Watts I suspect this has been written to be "just enough" to make existing code work.15:38.20 
kens Possibly15:38.26 
Robin_Watts And I have some sympathy for that approach.15:38.28 
kens But the problem might have been that image enumerators hide stuff away15:38.42 
  Should have been possible to work around it though15:39.02 
Robin_Watts image enumerators don't come into this. usually it's fill_rectangle that gets hit (and now copy_color).15:39.27 
  Now, I am going to have to add a dso to allow me to disable the whole "go to a buffer -> copy_color" way of working, for the cases where copy_color ->fill_rectangle anyway.15:40.22 
kens Umm, what ?15:40.41 
Robin_Watts kens: which bit?15:40.56 
kens Oh copy color goes to fill rectangle15:40.57 
Robin_Watts Yeah, gx_default_copy_color is implemented on top of fill_rectangle15:41.13 
  So I'll have to add a dso to let me spot that.15:41.23 
kens You could just ask 'is it high level' and disable it if ti is15:41.33 
Robin_Watts and I can use that to disable it in this case too.15:41.38 
kens THat works too15:41.43 
Robin_Watts kens: I'd be asking the lcvd device, which isn't high level. :)15:41.59 
kens I'm not sure what it replies though15:42.13 
Robin_Watts but I'm sure something is possible.15:42.17 
  The main thing is that I now understand why this is happening.15:42.29 
kens The lcvd device does reply to certain spec ops15:42.39 
  But not high level15:42.48 
  Might as well use whatever you're going to and implement it there15:42.58 
Robin_Watts kens: yeah.15:43.08 
  Ok, thanks for that.15:43.26 
kens NP15:43.31 
  FOrtunately it was a convenient time :-)15:43.40 
Robin_Watts Now I can bug HenryStiles :)15:48.24 
kens aya :-)15:48.48 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I'm surprised you aren't seeing that problem in many more places. It's rare in practice but not in the QL tests15:53.25 
  Robin_Watts: that said I didn't get to the root of what was going on.15:53.49 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: You suggested that I could just punt on the pattern case, but that's just avoiding something in our code that we don't understand.15:54.33 
  I strongly suspect that there is a flaw in some of our existing code that we're running into.15:54.48 
  I found one bug already that has improved the output, but it's still not perfect.15:55.12 
  (that being a flaw in mem_gray8_rgb24_strip_copy_rop)15:55.47 
HenryStiles I wasn't reaching that code with the simple case, but yes I suspect you are right15:58.55 
Robin_Watts I will keep bashing.16:02.24 
  Hmm. what is "get_clipping_box" about?16:40.56 
  Does that mean my previous statements about "callers of a device can assume that anything outside (0,0) to (dev->width,dev->height) will be ignored" is false ?16:41.38 
  ray_laptop, HenryStiles, chrisl: ^16:50.24 
  There is bog all documentation for get_clipping_box anywhere.16:55.13 
  I'd assume it was for further constraining the active bbox from the default full device size, rather than expanding it outside that device size.16:56.12 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts:are we talking about the code in gxipixel.c, where if there is a clip path we use it otherwise use the device box?17:15.07 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: No, just more generally.17:15.24 
  It seems to me that it's implicit in the definition of a ghostscript device that any writes to anywhere outside of (0,0) to (dev->width, dev->height) should be guaranteed not to affect the output.17:16.07 
  Is that reasonable?17:16.10 
HenryStiles yes17:16.32 
Robin_Watts Ok, so the get_clipping_box device function can only ever reduce that area.17:17.18 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I would expect the intersection, but as I look at the code I'm confused :-)17:26.02 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: I have a commit that fixes the lcvd device to behave in what I consider a sane manner.17:26.29 
  It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it fixes the ps2write issues with my changes (at least the ones I've tested)17:26.52 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I must be missing something because the way I read the code (before your changes) the get_clipping_box() code should return (500,500, 600, 600) using your example, that is what you mean by "tell the world" right? The result of calling that function. There are some typos lvcd ...18:09.57 
Robin_Watts get_clipping_box returns the right thing.18:10.28 
  But dev->width and dev->height are both 100.18:10.41 
  so my code, which assumes that anything outside of (0,0) and (100,100) won't mark, doesn't bother sending the image data.18:11.09 
  I was concerned that perhaps my expectations were wrong, and that rather than looking at dev->width, dev->height I should have been looking purely at get_clipping_box.18:12.06 
  but I now think that looking at dev->width/dev->height is fine.18:12.31 
  I could possibly do *better* by looking at get_clipping_box and intersecting it, but there is no need for that to be correct.18:13.00 
HenryStiles width and height aren't coordinates though they are distances so it's not clear to me the device is wrong. But I guess we have those assumptions all over18:13.08 
Robin_Watts woah.18:13.18 
  width/height aren't coordinates?18:13.29 
  I think, as you say, everywhere in the code we assume that devices run from (0,0) to (dev->width, dev->height)18:14.07 
  So they are coordinates, effectively.18:14.25 
HenryStiles I agree, yes18:14.34 
Robin_Watts If we have a (dev->origin.x, dev->origin.y), then they wouldn't be (and this would be a whole different conversation).18:14.51 
  but we don't :)18:14.59 
  I'll fix the typos, thanks.18:15.12 
  Crap, I get segv's with my patch :(18:15.46 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/04/26)>>> 
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