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Guest47373 hi, I get this error ('see below') when I try to print pdf on printer 1 installed on server 1. I'm able to print the same pdf and with the same printer 1 when I use server 2 where is also installed printer 1. Any ideas?12:42.37 
  C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.19\bin>gswin64c.exe -empty -dPrinted -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE - dNOSAFER -r300x300 -dNumCopies=1 -sDEVICE=pxlcolor -sOutputFile=%printer%\\server1\printer1 -q test4.pdf Unknown switch -empty - ignoring Error: /ioerror in --showpage-- Operand stack: 1 true Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval- - 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostrin12:42.38 
kens -empty isn't a valid switch for Ghostscript12:43.35 
  Ohter than that, you're getting an ioerror12:43.47 
  So there's a problem reading the file, or writing a temporary file12:43.57 
  At a guess, permissions12:44.03 
  Ah, could be a problem writing to the printer12:44.39 
  Try writing to a file instead12:44.45 
  If that works, then you know its because the pritner isn't available from that computer12:45.03 
Guest47373 ok thank I will try this12:45.17 
kens You should also upgrade, 9.19 is a little old now12:45.50 
Guest47373 ok then I've updated Ghostscript to version 9.23. I have also tried to copy pdf file on the printer and I have the permission. I still got the error /ioerror in --showpage-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: Invalid argument GPL Ghostscript 9.23: Unrecoverable error, exit code 113:25.42 
kens Is that error when you set -sOutptuFile to a file on the local machine instead of to the printer ?13:26.28 
Guest47373 humm let me try13:26.54 
  no error if I create locally :) What setting I could verify to grant ghostscript to this printer?13:29.05 
kens You haven't put "" round the pritner name13:29.18 
  Should be -sOutputFile="%printer%\\server1...."13:29.35 
  If you don't do that then the shell will interpret the '%' characters.13:29.53 
  Which means Ghostscript will then be trying to write a file to a non-existent printer, and so will be unable to do so, leading to an ioerror13:30.44 
Guest47373 Yes I understand. I change it but it still not working. If I check the print queue on the server. I see the job that goes rely quick but it's fail with the error message I gave....13:32.58 
kens No idea then13:33.08 
Guest47373 is it possible the print driver installed on the server can lead this error?13:33.43 
kens I can tel you its an ioerror, and that its caused when reaching the end of page, when Ghostscritp tries to write teh outptu to the printer.13:33.44 
  Ghostscript is not using the printer driver on the OS13:33.57 
  It is creating a PXL file and sending it directly to the printer13:34.07 
  But it is unable to write to the 'file'13:34.18 
  And so you get an ioerror13:34.24 
  I cannot think of any reason why it can't write to the file, except for the possibility that you haven't specified the printer correctly.13:34.53 
Guest47373 ok then thanks for your help. I will try different thing and let you know if I find something.13:35.22 
  here is the error from the print spooler : A fatal error occurred while printing job GPL Ghostscript, id 113 on the print queue PRINTER1. The print filter pipeline process was terminated. Error information: 0x8051100F.13:52.00 
  The print job 113 was sent through the print processor MS_XPS_PROC on printer PRINTER1, driver HP LaserJet 400 M401 PCL6 Class Driver, in the isolation mode 0 (0 - loaded in the spooler, 1 - loaded in shared sandbox, 2 - loaded in isolated sandbox). Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 0x8051100F.13:52.28 
kens So the problem is your print spooler killed the job. That means that Ghostscript was unable to continue writing to the print pipeline, and hence the ioerror13:52.34 
  So that's really your problem.13:52.56 
Guest47373 why the spooler is doing this! :(13:53.05 
kens I have no clue13:53.14 
  Have you asked Google what the error code means ?13:53.23 
Guest47373 :) ok let me google this :)13:53.25 
ray_laptop chrisl: (in case you are still awake and working). the tiff/config/config.guess fails on the 64-bit Raspberry (SUSE SLES) uname -a is: Linux linux 4.4.73-5-default #1 SMP Tue Jul 4 15:33:39 UTC 2017 (b7ce4e4) aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux18:25.56 
  it seems that it doesn't like "aarch64"18:26.24 
  any ideas how to fix it / get past the fail of "configure" for libtiff ?18:27.03 
  I can get you a login to pi3.ghostscript.com which is now running that linux18:27.35 
ray_laptop goes back to real work....18:28.02 
SimpleITGuy Hello, I wasn't sure what to do with what seems to be a bug that we're getting with the new 9.23 version of GS which we don't get with 9.18. So here I am. I did see that I could file a bug with Bugzilla but I'm assuming you'd need the PDFs in question which all contain sensitive client information. It seems related to this one here -> https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69861519:05.22 
  Its a segmentation fault as well and, just like that bug, only occurs when sending the pdfs in a very specific order and individual pages won't get hung up at all.19:05.55 
  Looking for advice if possible.19:06.07 
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