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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/02)20180503 
velix I think I need to donate someone from ghostscript for writing a EPS embedder for EMF/WMF.04:10.26 
Robin_Watts Gah. If I've got a clipped image, then the image code calls around to find the penum->render function to use.09:28.43 
  That calls into the device->pixel_patch function to set it up.09:28.59 
  THEN the image code adds a clipping device on top.09:29.06 
  which means the next device call goes to the wrong place.09:29.15 
  Using an enumerator would sidestep that problem.09:29.31 
  I know they aren't nice, but I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that they are the way to go, if only for consistency.09:29.55 
kens Absolutely not09:30.01 
  I hate them with a total passion09:30.07 
  they hide stuff behind doors you can''t open09:30.14 
  They thoroughly break device pipelines09:30.27 
  Because once its set up you can't alter it except with special secret sauce09:30.42 
  If I could, I'd remove the ones we already have09:30.55 
Robin_Watts I'm not sure that with device functions that instantiate state (which is what I have now) you're any better off.09:31.08 
  So, back to this...09:56.27 
  If we're going to use device methods for this, then we can't afford to have the device method to setup be called on one device, and the device method to process be called on a different device.09:57.26 
  Which means I'll need to move the clip setup before the render enumeration.09:58.00 
  but God knows how that will break existing stuff.09:58.16 
kens I think adding another enumerator will break existing stuff too09:58.43 
velix Damn, I hardly can find any document on embedding EPS into WMF/EMF.19:43.01 
  I think, I need to do some reverse engineering.19:43.09 
  Ah, found it! The EpsData object is a container for EPS data.19:47.44 
  Yipee: "An EpsData object can be used to embed a PostScript image in an EMF metafile as follows"19:48.10 
  Maybe that's a way? http://pyemf.sourceforge.net19:50.59 
  Hmm, no support as it seems: http://libemf.sourceforge.net/annotated.html19:51.52 
  Interesting, starting line 400: https://bibdesk.sourceforge.io/BibDesk-trunk-2008-07-08-1/report-W48mSN.html20:18.33 
  Sorry, 587 ;)20:19.22 
  that looks incomplete :((20:19.56 
  I'm giving up.21:58.11 
  Yippee. This is working! http://www.calvina.de/pstoedit/pstoedit.htm22:03.19 
  But the result seems to be parsed, not embedded.22:03.52 
  Yep, parsed only :(22:05.02 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/05/04)>>> 
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