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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/03)20180504 
byoungb Is there any device for outputing to SVG. I want to convert from EPS to SVG, I can do it with inkscape, but I am guessing inkscape is using gs or ghostpdl or something else13:42.49 
  I would rather not have to add inkscape to my server stack, even though the output of the inkscape command line is exactly what I want. 13:43.53 
kens The SVG output device for GS was deprecated and removed. If you really want to try using it you can find it (somewhere) in our Git repository, but you are on your own building it. You vould also use GS's pdfwrite device to make a PDF, then use MuPDF to create a SVG from the PDF.13:44.43 
  inkscape may be using GS to produce a PDF, and then creating an SVG from that, it won't be using GS to create the SVG13:46.20 
byoungb okay cool thank you very much13:46.46 
kens NP13:46.53 
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