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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/07)20180508 
kens pda1224a (for the logs) we would need to see the file (to find out where the space is used) and know what you have already tried before being able to make any suggestions.07:02.04 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: So I have some gc issues with my pixel_patch stuff.13:19.48 
  I guess that's not surprising.13:19.54 
kens Oh :-(13:19.55 
  I'd have thought it was surprising13:20.06 
  I wouldn't have thought you were using GC memory....13:20.14 
Robin_Watts When you call pixel_patch with pixel_patch_begin, it allocates state.13:20.17 
kens Why do you allocate it in GC memory though ?13:20.28 
Robin_Watts and one of the things in that state is a gx_device *.13:20.29 
  kens: I probably shouldn't, and that's easy to solve.13:20.41 
kens Unless you need to pass it ot the PS interpreter, I wouldn't be using GC memory13:20.58 
Robin_Watts BUT... a gx_device * is garbage collected, right?13:20.59 
kens Yes, btu that doesn't mean anythign which stores it has to be13:21.09 
Robin_Watts Ah.13:21.17 
kens Its also only GC'ed on the PS itnerpreter13:21.21 
  It won't be in a PCL interpreter for example13:21.32 
Robin_Watts I was thinking that I would have to enumerate it on a gc, otherwise it might get moved without me knowing ?13:21.46 
kens You probably want Chris to weight in htere though13:21.54 
  It could potentially be relocated yes13:22.20 
  That's a good point13:22.24 
Robin_Watts So I fear I need to put this stuff in gc memory, and have an enumerator etc.13:22.47 
kens It sort of sounds like it13:23.01 
  I'm uncertain about devices though I admit13:23.10 
  I guess on non-GC interpreters the device won't relocate, so we don't care.13:24.14 
Robin_Watts I am 99% sure I need to enumerate it.13:26.34 
HenryStiles kens, Robin_Watts : I don't see how language switching would work at all if devices can be relocated, I don't recall that coming up in the LS system, there were other problems.13:26.46 
kens was sort of hoping Chris would pop up but I guess he's AFK13:26.57 
Robin_Watts He'll be back soon I'm sure.13:27.13 
  Devices look to always be allocated sing gs_alloc_struct_immovable.13:30.52 
  So I might be saved by that.13:31.13 
chrisl Robin_Watts: We can talk after the meeting about devices etc14:35.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ta.14:35.22 
chrisl Robin_Watts: So, as you noted, devices should *always* be allocated in immovable memory, so the device cannot move, but it can be garbage collected15:03.45 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So if I have a pointer to a device in a structure, it could theoretically be whipped away from under me.15:04.18 
chrisl Robin_Watts: That rather depends.... if it's the device in the graphics state, then no15:05.12 
Robin_Watts This structure only lives for the life of the image enumerator though, so I suspect it should be fine, as penum->dev should hold it.15:05.25 
chrisl Yes, that will ensure it endures15:05.55 
Robin_Watts (or penum->rop_dev or penum->clip_dev - horrible. Shame on whoever came up with that)15:06.04 
  chrisl: Thanks.15:06.51 
chrisl Well, that's just a hack, frankly15:06.52 
Robin_Watts The SEGVs have gone.15:07.01 
  Now to fix the diffs...15:07.07 
chrisl Since both the clip device and the rop device act as forwarding devices, sane use of reference counting should obviate the need for individual pointers to each, but.... ho-hum15:08.03 
  Robin_Watts: just before you disappear into tracking down diffs, can you take a quick look at: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/chrisl/ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=f302fbc59b974a167a7a0023ac6f9e89ed27d24315:09.18 
kens Hmm is that the root cause of the memory problem you were looking at ?15:10.52 
chrisl Yes15:11.09 
kens Ah!15:11.16 
chrisl So, I was sort of right :-)15:11.39 
kens It makes the problem a little less horrifying :-)15:11.55 
chrisl I still wonder how it's not come up before15:12.17 
kens It does seem surprising, yes15:12.36 
  Will be nice to have it fixed15:12.47 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I know nothing about c_alone.15:17.04 
  which is presumably why I screwed that up.15:17.10 
chrisl Is that yours? I thought that had been there for ever15:17.29 
Robin_Watts oh, I assumed it was something I broken in the clump change.15:17.47 
  the splay trees stuff, but I guess not.15:18.00 
chrisl No, just that you were that last person to do significant poking in that file.....15:18.07 
Robin_Watts I bow to your greater knowledge here. It looks plausible to me15:18.13 
chrisl Anyway, I'll take that as a positive review, and push the commit :-)15:19.53 
Robin_Watts you should.15:20.26 
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