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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/08)20180509 
dzejdzej Hello, im trying to print Print only certain pages using powershell. ive tried using LPR, but i dont know syntax, now im trying with gswin32c without reasult, could somone help me? :) 12:08.42 
chrisl dzejdzej: that's a very vague and open ended question..... so the answer is: maybe.....12:13.55 
dzejdzej :D12:41.22 
  how to print only certain pages using gswin32c or LPR :)12:42.31 
chrisl dzejdzej: With recent Ghostscript versions, have a look at the PageList parameter, documented here: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.23/Use.htm#PDF_switches12:43.57 
dzejdzej Thanks, one more question -sDEVICE - what should i type here if i want use oce printer and print ps file?13:02.31 
kens The only device you can usefully use to print to a Windows printer is the mswinpr2 device. THis is also in the documentation13:03.15 
dzejdzej -sDEVICE=mswinpr2 ?13:03.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: in case you are still up, but I did a little more testing, and with this worst case file (mentioned in the commit message) just increasing to 128K was enough to prevent the misbehaviour. I'll commit that change until we see a need for more.23:23.38 
  (revised commit pushed to my repository. I'll wait 'til tomorrow to see if anyone objects)23:24.25 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/05/10)>>> 
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