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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/09)20180510 
Robin_Watts Ok, modulo rop differences, I think the pixel_patch stuff is there.13:05.35 
  I'd really like someone else to look this over, if only to get some comments like "that doesn't look like gs naming" etc.13:06.13 
  This is the branch in question: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/ghostpdl.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/no_rects13:08.12 
  The "Fix nonsensical ROP expression" one can be ignored (HenryStiles is looking at a proper version of that)13:08.43 
  The "Fix problem with transparency and ROPs" will need to be evaluated in light of what HenryStiles comes up with for the previous one.13:09.32 
  The rest are good to go.13:09.48 
  I suspect I should update the gs docs with information about this new dev function.13:10.07 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I'm sorry I will get to that today. I had another diff with my fix to be investigated.13:10.54 
kens I n ok at it, but I doubt my ability to contribute anything meaningful. Maybe wait for Chisl and/or Ray13:10.56 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: No worries, that wasn't a complaint.13:11.03 
  kens: Well, I'd like you in particular to look at it because a) you expressed an opinion about enumerators etc, b) because there are some small pdfwrite/pswrite changes in there, and c) because I probably need to do something about subclassing.13:12.09 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: I think it is a big change and should have assigned review, I'm nominating both ray_laptop and chrisl 13:12.26 
Robin_Watts Makes sense.13:12.37 
  I'm generally in favour of reviews. Spread the blame around :)13:13.03 
kens Robin_Watts : I'd expect the subclasing to 'just work', easy test, run a file which triggers your code, and add a -dFirstPage/LastPage13:14.56 
  Typing is tricky, I have a hell script running tests and teh GS window keeps grabbing the focus and eating my keypresses13:15.36 
  s/hell/shell/, maybe :-)13:15.47 
Robin_Watts kens: I was imagining I'd need to have a device function in the subclassing device that captures calls to pixel_patch and swallows them for unwanted pages, but I haven't looked at it at all.13:16.44 
kens I think you need to update the gdevflp.c firstpage lastpage device rather than 'subclassing' as such13:17.43 
  ie its a specific case rather than general13:17.52 
  Give me a minut till thi test completes and my computer is usable again :-(13:18.52 
  OK we talked about the lcvd hideousness already, so that's OK13:20.18 
Robin_Watts yeah, could well be a specific case.13:21.25 
  (or every specific case, of which there is only one, currently)13:21.34 
kens Well the first page/last page device does need to process *every* device method. Which is why you get complaints in debug builds that it implements obselete methods13:22.09 
  So it will need modified yes.13:22.21 
  I think you'll need to look at the device (name forgoteen, I'll check) which drops images too13:22.38 
  Presuambly if we aren't rendering images, we don't want to do pixel_patch ?13:22.56 
Robin_Watts If begin_image drops stuff, then pixel_patch will never be called.13:24.17 
kens So I'm probably reading this wrong, but you modified the lcvd device to have a pixel_patch method, but it returns '0' in response to copy_color_is_fast.13:24.34 
Robin_Watts oh, so maybe we're OK for firstpage/lastpage because of that.13:24.34 
kens Is that the right way round ?13:24.44 
  And yes, first page last page will not pass on the begin image13:25.00 
  If they are dropping the page13:25.06 
Robin_Watts copy_color_is_fast returns non-zero if copy_color does not resolve to rectangles.13:25.20 
kens In which case both these will be OK, but it might be better (belt *and* braces) to add handlers13:25.24 
  Then that makes sense, OK, I wasn't sure what the sense of the test was.13:25.52 
chrisl I kind of assumed we already had code that degenerates images into fills13:26.18 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We do. It's the image_render_color_portrait_icc stuff.13:26.41 
  and thats the stuff that's had its guts ripped out to do pixel_patch.13:26.56 
  So we have the same code, just in a slightly different place now, and in a way that can be overridden with "better" versions.13:27.18 
chrisl Okay, I see13:27.59 
Robin_Watts I'd understand if you guys would rather hold off until I've written the documentation.13:30.25 
kens So it looks like you need a new 'pixel_patch' method for general subclassing in gdevsclass.c, and I think you need to add one for gdevflp.c and gdevoflt.c when those devices are not swalllowing images. At least I'd be happier if those all gained methods to handle this.13:32.29 
Robin_Watts kens: OK, will do, thanks.13:32.49 
kens NP, it shoudl be easy enough to implement following the code already there I think13:33.05 
chrisl Well, beyond not being keen on "pixel_patch" as a name, I doubt there's much I can contribute - I'm guessing the cluster reports a lot of diffs :-(13:33.35 
kens I wasn't going to mention the name :-)13:33.56 
chrisl Trouble is, I'm not really sure of a better oner13:34.22 
kens pixel_copy ?13:34.49 
  pixel_blit ?13:34.55 
Robin_Watts chrisl: No. the cluster reports almost no diffs.13:35.29 
kens From my POV 'patch' makes me think of Coons or Tensor patches13:35.31 
chrisl Same here13:35.42 
Robin_Watts The point is that the "patch" of pixels passed to this function might be portrait, or landscape, or even skewed.13:36.15 
  "color_lookup_and_affine_texture_map_2d_array_of_pixels" seemed like a mouthful.13:36.52 
  blit and copy both imply 1:1 to me.13:37.22 
  chrisl: The only diffs you get with this are down to ROPs.13:37.52 
kens patch certainly doesn't imply what you say it does though, at least not to me13:37.54 
Robin_Watts it's a 2d region of pixels to get transformed onto the output device.13:38.17 
  transform_pixel_patch ?13:38.30 
kens how about pixel_region then ?13:38.32 
  I'd prefer to avoid patch because PostScript and PDF already use the word13:38.49 
Robin_Watts I could live with pixel_region if we have a consensus on that.13:39.10 
chrisl I prefer the lack of name clash - I still don't especially like it, though.... I wish I could say something more useful than just complaining about it13:40.09 
kens I wasn't going to complain, so obviously its not something I'm wildly concerned about, but I'd prefer region to patch13:41.02 
Robin_Watts I'm always prepared to revisit naming if it can be clearer.13:43.08 
  transform_pixel_region would be my favored one I think.13:43.20 
kens I'm happy with that13:43.30 
chrisl I definitely prefer that13:44.36 
chrisl has to reboot14:14.18 
louis___ Hi, is it normal if I use sdevice=pxlcolor to print pdf document which contain 1 page and I see 20 pages at the print queue? The output at the printer is only 1 pages then the problem is just at the spooler level14:15.23 
kens You haven't said which operating system you are using, nor how you are transferring the PXL output file to the printer, so we can't really comment14:16.20 
  Also, that's not really a question about Ghostscript, its your OS, whatever that is14:16.34 
louis___ windows server 2012 and I use gswin6414:17.01 
kens And how are you transferring the PXL output file to the printer ?14:17.22 
louis___ yes with pxlcolor -sOutputFile=%printer%\\ argument14:17.57 
kens Well the only way the print spooler is going to be able to tell how many pages tehre are is if it can:14:19.03 
  1) Fully interpret the page description language14:19.03 
  2) prescan the whole input file to determine where the pages begin and end14:19.04 
  The Windows print spooler is not capable of either of these feats14:19.17 
  It just accepts a stream of bytes to send to the printer14:19.30 
  So I suspect that its simply guessing when it says there are 20 pages, in the absence of any actual information14:20.01 
louis___ ok thanks14:20.15 
kens If you think tha'ts wrong, then I suggest you take it up with Microsoft14:20.17 
louis___ :)14:20.30 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop, chrisl, anyone else interested: I've updated the no_rects branch on my repo with the renamed device call.19:11.07 
  ray_laptop: Dunno if you saw the discussion earlier, but my optimised image plotting changes are ready for review, and HenryStiles nominated you and chrisl.19:11.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry I missed the comment about reviewing your patch. I have some questions/concerns...23:59.11 
  but I'll wait until you reply and keep slogging through.23:59.41 
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