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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/16)20180517 
kens That's a good piece of detective worjk there chrisl13:34.45 
chrisl kens: If that turns out to be the problem.....13:35.48 
kens It seems likely :-)13:35.56 
chrisl Of course, as I said, if the app or the middle-ware library (whichever) wasn't swallowing the backchannel, it would have been immediately clear what the problem was13:36.43 
kens Yes of course, its amazing how often we *don't* get the back channel output when bugs are reported13:37.04 
  Realistically the bug should have been raised with qpdf who could have raised it with libspectre etc.13:37.35 
chrisl I'd guess the qpdfview people would say "use the shared lib"13:38.13 
kens And I wouldn't blame them for that either13:38.23 
chrisl So, I went to install "Windows Subsystem for Linux" - and, yeh, doesn't work......13:39.46 
kens Oh really ?13:39.54 
  Just missing X server ?13:39.59 
chrisl When I run "bash" it says there's no distribution installed, and a link to the Windows store.13:40.40 
kens Umm, well I don't actually have Windows 10, so... No idea.13:41.02 
chrisl Go to that link, select Ubuntu, click "Get" - the page refreshes, and nothing installs13:41.07 
kens Ah, how wonderfully Microsoft :-)13:41.19 
chrisl I may just stick with cygwin after all....13:41.56 
kens I'm sticking with a VM :-)13:42.08 
tor8 I found the windows subsystem to be dreadfully slow at filesystem i/o operations13:42.37 
chrisl tor8: I've found that with cygwin and msys, too13:43.04 
tor8 ...before I zapped it and installed debian proper.13:43.08 
  yeah. I think the windows filesystem is just slow to begin with.13:43.21 
  I found it much faster to work and build inside a VM like virtualbox13:43.46 
chrisl Building GhostPDL in a VM... that takes dedication13:45.24 
kens I've not found it impossibly slow13:46.32 
chrisl I certainly found it took ages in a Windows VM, and even worse when it was on a shared drive13:47.48 
kens Its not quick I grant you13:48.02 
  But its not outrageously slow either, it does take a few minutes13:48.15 
  But the, so does a full VS build13:48.33 
ray_laptop The problem is that we use nmake for the VS build, so it doesn't run multiple threads (as we do on a linux make with -j)17:11.04 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's part of it, but I do find the disk accesses on VMs rather slow, and that slows building a lot17:15.48 
  I was definitely disk bound rather than cpu bound17:16.08 
ray_laptop chrisl: are you using VMWare or something else. VMWare works pretty well for me (but I've got SSD, so that helps)17:18.04 
chrisl virtualbox17:18.14 
ray_laptop you may want to try VMWare17:18.51 
  if the performance is an issue17:19.09 
chrisl I would, but converting VMs is a pain! And I have a laptop for Windows, so I only really use the VMs for testing, at the moment17:19.42 
  Next time I change my desktop, I'll probably switch to VMware17:20.17 
ray_laptop chrisl: BTW, I was curious and tried msvclib.mak -- I have a patch ready if you'd care to comment (it was seriously bit-rotted) pushed to my repos. Note that I don't think I've used it for a decade, so I didn't recall that it doesn't actually build a .lib (I didn't change/fix that)17:22.37 
  I mainly pulled stuff from msvc.mak17:23.26 
chrisl ray_laptop: IIRC, it was used to build the graphics library object files for the old pcl/xps builds17:24.15 
ray_laptop What it does is build the gslib.exe (the lib test file), so it is intended for anybody that wants to use the graphics lib calls17:25.40 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'll assume you've confirmed those msvclib.mak changes work, so I'm fine with them - there's nothing in there that leaps out as problematic17:26.14 
ray_laptop chrisl: I guess I should make sure that it builds with other VS versions (only tested with VS 2015)17:27.06 
chrisl ray_laptop: ultimately, we should probably decide if we want to keep the capabilities in msvclib.mak, and if so, integrate it into msvc.mak - save this kind of bitrot happening again17:28.32 
ray_laptop maybe so. Also get it to build a .lib17:33.15 
  OK, tested that it works with VS2005 and VS2008. Good enough17:43.15 
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