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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/20)20180521 
kens markk (for the logs) as I said on Stack Overflow, remove the GraphicsAlphaBits=4 from your command line.06:56.59 
chrisl kens: I whitelisted the display device errors - it would be preferable to be able to exclude a device from the test, but it doesn't work that way at the moment. I may have a poke at it, and see if I can make that happen08:44.46 
kens chrisl yeah white listing was the only solution I could come up with, given that the whole point of the test is to test *all* the devices :-)08:45.56 
chrisl True, but it relies on all the devices being tested being able to accept a common command line - since -o/-sOutputFile make no sense for x11/display devices, it would make sense to exclude them completely08:47.16 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/05/22)>>> 
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