Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/01)20180702 
irctc627 Good Morning05:36.21 
HenryStiles hi Nancy 13:52.12 
kens Hi Nancy, welcome to artifex13:52.34 
Nancy Hello13:53.36 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.13:53.36 
Robin_Watts Hi Nancy.13:53.53 
kens :-) Ignore Ghostbot, its there to stop people popping up and saying 'hi' and waiting for someone to respond13:54.03 
Robin_Watts Have you registered your irc nickname?13:54.06 
Nancy Not sure!13:54.21 
chrisl Hi Nancy, welcome aboard13:54.33 
Robin_Watts ok, let me google for a mo :)13:54.35 
Nancy Not really used to IRC. 13:54.41 
chrisl I think was true of most of us when we started!13:55.05 
Robin_Watts Nancy: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration13:55.05 
  basically anything you type comes out here.13:55.40 
  unless it starts with a / in which case it's a command.13:55.50 
HenryStiles Nancy: I think colloquy might be the best irc client for the mac these days13:55.55 
Robin_Watts If you use "/me" then you can emote stuff.13:56.08 
Robin_Watts demonstrates emoting.13:56.15 
  '/join #channel name joins a channel, /leave #chanell leaves a channel13:56.54 
  (I'm on top form with typing today)13:57.15 
HenryStiles NancyDurgin: I'll use your artifex email address from now on13:57.23 
Robin_Watts If you use /msg username you can send a private message, but most clients let you automate that by clicking on a username and opening a new tab these days.13:58.29 
  Most "services" on irc are provided by bots that sit in channels, and you talk to them using /msg - so nickserv and chanserv are examples of those.13:59.02 
  Once you have registered a username, it means that no one other than you can log in with that name, and then I can invite you to artifex.13:59.41 
  to #artifex, that is, our private channel13:59.53 
NancyDurgin I registered "NancyDurgin"14:00.18 
tor8 NancyDurgin: Hi!14:01.09 
Robin_Watts NancyDurgin: Fab.14:01.23 
tor8 There are plenty of different IRC clients to use. I use HexChat, I know Ken uses Miranda, and some of us use Chatzilla.14:01.29 
NancyDurgin I am trying to figure out how to put that prefix on the front of the messages. I thought clicking the name owuld do it, but apparently not on my client14:01.44 
tor8 With most of these, you can put your username and password in the server login and it'll log you in directly when you connect.14:01.53 
Robin_Watts You will discover that I have absolutely no memory, so I tend to stick stuff in the twiki to guard against senility.14:01.56 
NancyDurgin I am using something called "Lime" on Mac, but maybe there is a better choice.14:01.59 
tor8 NancyDurgin: not sure if Colloquy is still around, that's the client I used to use on Mac.14:02.25 
kens NancyDurgin : which prefix do you mean ?14:04.07 
Robin_Watts NancyDurgin: OK, so try: /msg ChanServ invite #artifex NancyDurgin ?14:04.16 
NancyDurgin the person's name14:04.18 
  like "NancyDurgin: and then something..."14:04.32 
tor8 NancyDurgin: we just type it :)14:04.34 
kens Oh well IRC prefixes yours for you. If you want to put other people then you normally have to type it14:04.36 
Robin_Watts Nan<TAB> :)14:04.39 
NancyDurgin Robin_Watts: Ah okay14:04.47 
kens Miranda has autocompeltion and so tab works as Robin said14:04.52 
  Not sure all clients have that14:05.01 
tor8 kens: I think most of them do.14:05.06 
Robin_Watts irc is old technology. It's older than gs even :)14:05.10 
kens And tha'ts saying something :)14:05.24 
NancyDurgin oh I know, I used to use it a long time ago I think. The thing I will miss from modern chats is the emojis!14:07.03 
  I would htink the chat engine matters less than the client, anyway14:07.20 
kens Most of the clients do ASCII amojis to icons14:07.35 
HenryStiles NancyDurgin: colloloquy tranlates text emojis to graphics as I recall.14:07.59 
NancyDurgin colloquy appears to have last been updated in 2014 and refers to osx 10.7 as the "latest" OS. I am on 10.13. I think Lime will work.14:08.02 
Robin_Watts Though I have that turned off, because it's a pain when you paste code, and your pointers turn into beer/smileys/fingers etc.14:08.16 
  NancyDurgin: So, did you try: /msg ChanServ invite #artifex NancyDurgin ?14:08.47 
NancyDurgin it says "NancyDurgin is not registered"14:09.21 
  this client seems to be text-only as far as emojis. I will poke around and see what other clients are available.14:09.44 
  But I did register. Maybe I need to re-login14:10.00 
Robin_Watts Nancy: OK, so: /msg NickServ identify TopSecretPassword14:11.01 
  ok, wait, no that won't change your name...14:11.23 
kens you need /nick NancyDurgin14:11.38 
  Then when it says 'this nick is regsitered' you do the /msg NickServ thing14:12.07 
Robin_Watts I thinl: /msg NickServ NancyDurgin <password> will set both name and password together.14:12.29 
NancyDurgin test14:12.31 
Robin_Watts I thinl: /msg NickServ identify NancyDurgin <password> will set both name and password together.14:12.38 
kens : Could be....14:12.46 
  I have Miranda configured to do all this stuff for me, I rarely have to remember how to do it manually14:13.08 
NancyDurgin still saying I am not registered14:13.19 
Robin_Watts NancyDurgin: Did you do the:14:13.36 
  /msg nickserv register TopSecretPassword nancy.durgin@artifex.com14:14.04 
  thing ?14:14.06 
  That should have send you an email with a line that you need to paste back in here.14:14.22 
NancyDurgin yes I did that step14:14.30 
Robin_Watts ok. /msg nickserv info NancyDurgin is showing you ask registered.14:15.05 
NancyDurgin google says the irc client I am using is "best" free one on osx: https://www.slant.co/topics/1320/~irc-clients-for-mac14:16.02 
kens Robin_Watts : doesn't Nancy merely need to do /join #artifex ?14:16.49 
  Assuming you've already done the invite bit14:17.03 
NancyDurgin Apparently, yes...14:17.06 
irctc657 Hello Everyone19:08.09 
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