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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/16)20180717 
rkconner Q: We are using gpcl (v9.22) to convert pcl 2 pdf -- resulting pdf file is not "searchable." Can we do something to make them searchable?22:07.46 
Eli I was using PCL6 until today. Now, it freezes for me and another client. Is it possible that the software will no longer work?22:13.10 
HenryStiles Eli: the software is well maintained and we don't expect it to stop working22:20.31 
  rkconner: probably not, usually a file is not searchable because the PCL file does not have a known encoding for the font.22:21.22 
rkconner A known font encoding? Hmm. Is there a way to specify that thru an option, or is it embedded in a truetype font file??22:22.17 
Eli_ why would pcl6 conversions that worked yesterday no longer work today at 2 different sites?22:23.59 
HenryStiles Eli_: is this a commercial product?22:24.25 
Eli It is not the commercial product and it is not embedding any fonts. Just has a few escape sequences in beginning of the PCL and the rest is plain ASCII. I am trying to convert to a PDF using the device PDFWRITE222:26.36 
HenryStiles rkconner: no the pcl author has probably specified an arbitrary encoding, so in your file a '1' might be associated with the downloaded glyph for 'a', '2' maps to 'b' etc. There is no way to that '1' is an 'a' without OCR22:27.15 
  Eli: I have no idea.22:30.11 
  rkconner: sorry I missed a word, there is no way to *know* that '1' is an 'a'22:31.36 
  rkconner: there are a few other reasons it might not be searchable, you can post a bug at bugs.ghostscript.com with file and command line, and we will tell you.22:36.00 
rkconner So, the pcl has the font encoding that makes for a searchable pdf? I don't think we have any tricky mappings for glyphs, apparently if we send a pcl file thru a Window pdf converter it is searchable, but sending it thru gpcl it is not. Do I just need to find a properly encoded truetype font of some kind?22:37.06 
HenryStiles rkconner: I would say the majority of pcl files can be converted to seachable pdf, if it works for somebody else I'd like to see the file.22:39.04 
  rkconner: can you report a bug?22:41.05 
rkconner Sure, will do, thanks!22:43.04 
HenryStiles probably won't get to it until tomorrow, I leave in 15 minutes.22:44.33 
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