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chrisl_laptop NancyDurgin: So, kens noticed you were storing the graphics in the erasepage optimization device....14:38.03 
  Ah, kens is on the other channel....14:38.32 
kens Only for checking availability14:38.47 
chrisl_laptop I figured it was easier to avoid treading on the other discussion14:39.10 
kens Yes goo idea14:39.17 
  Go right ahead14:39.23 
Nancy_iMac I am saving the pointer to the graphics state but I really don't think it's correct. I don't know wht is correct. I need to be able to save the color information.14:39.47 
  I just saved that pointer because then at least I would have *something* to use later.14:40.04 
kens defers to chrisl14:40.07 
chrisl_laptop NancyDurgin: It's fine, but for Ghostscript, you need to account for garbage collection14:40.19 
Nancy_iMac The problem is I need to save the color that was current when the fillpage (which is being deferred) was originally called.14:40.29 
  And sometimes the color is some weird complicated thing in the graphics state.14:40.39 
kens Saving a pointer to the GS is (IMO) absolutely the easiest and best thing to do14:40.51 
Nancy_iMac Plus the other problem is when I do call the deferred fillpage later, it wants a graphic state14:40.53 
chrisl_laptop As things stand, with the graphics not being passed into all the device methods, you *have* to store it - no choice really14:41.14 
Nancy_iMac So if saving the GS is okay, there is still the question of how to grab the color info out of it. I actually did find a function squirelled away somewhere (I am not at the code right now) that could save the hl color state out of the graphics state14:41.56 
  but there is no corresponding "restore" for this function.14:42.07 
kens Don't bother getting the colour14:42.19 
  just use the gs for teh fillpage, since it takes it14:42.30 
Nancy_iMac How do I fill with the correct color, then?14:42.30 
  The problem is the color could have changed.14:42.40 
kens Yeah that's true14:42.50 
Nancy_iMac If you look at results from my latest run (which is from yesterday) then it works quite a bit, but sometimes has the wrong color.14:42.59 
kens But you need the gstate anyway14:43.23 
Nancy_iMac I think it was all pdf that were failing, possibly because they commonly do fillpage without using white14:43.35 
kens So probably best to cover that and gc right now14:43.41 
Nancy_iMac yeah I need the gstate, but it doesn't have the right color14:43.47 
  okay, tell me about gc and gstate :)14:44.16 
kens It will only have an incorrect colour if something changes the current colour between the fillpage and the first marking operation14:44.17 
  I'll let chrisl describe teh GC stuff14:44.27 
Nancy_iMac kens: Right, but I need to handle that case (incorrect color)14:44.38 
kens Lets get GC done first and come back to that14:44.49 
Nancy_iMac ok14:44.52 
chrisl_laptop The gc stuff is here: https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/chrisl/ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=471938fc63bc54efef281361b54abfad078a968d14:45.07 
  In this case, fairely simple....14:45.21 
  I did some quick tests, and it *seems* to be working as we want14:45.50 
kens The point here is that the garbage collector is allowed to move garbage collected objects around in memory.14:46.33 
  So if you keep a pointer to (most) GC'ed objects. you need to be able to deal with it moving during a mark and sweep14:46.59 
  So you have to declare to the garbage collector that you are maintaining a pointer to that object14:47.16 
  Makes sense ?14:47.27 
chrisl_laptop The ENUM_PTRS function tells the garbage collector that you have a reference to an object, the RELOC_PTRS retrieves from the garbage collector where your object has moved to14:48.16 
NancyDurgin yeah, more or less. I understand the concept, just not sure of that code :)14:49.12 
kens As long as you understand the concept, that's the important thing14:49.27 
  Getting GC stuff correct in Ghostscript is, well, non-trivial14:49.53 
  But its important to understand that, for the PostScript interpreter, you need to14:50.10 
chrisl_laptop NancyDurgin: I did write a summary of gs memory management for the twiki a while back: https://twiki.ghostscript.com/do/view/Ghostscript/GhostscriptMemoryManagement14:50.17 
NancyDurgin the actually code you wrote is stll Magikal Makros at this time14:50.27 
kens Sadly, it always is14:50.40 
  Generally I do cargo cult programming with GC descriptors14:50.59 
  I have on that worked before so I copy it and hit it with a large hammer until it works14:51.16 
NancyDurgin lol that's an awesome name for it.... copy/paste/edit by pattern14:51.18 
chrisl_laptop In concept the garbage collector is pretty straight forward: it is complicated by a) the large amount of data it deals with, and b) all the bonkers macros14:52.33 
  kens: didn't you write a subclass device to force all text to black?14:53.33 
kens Hmm, I think I might have once14:53.44 
  Is that the example one ?14:53.50 
  But doing that is easier than tracking colour changes14:54.02 
chrisl_laptop I can't remember.... but it must save the color, replace it, and put it back again14:54.35 
NancyDurgin I was looking at the color thing, and I found that in most cases it is a device that supports "hl_color", and it stores things in the graphics state. And I found a function that "saves" the color (makes a copy of it).14:54.41 
kens Yes the documented subclass example is the 'black text' device14:54.43 
NancyDurgin gx_hld_save_color()14:55.13 
kens Well copying the colour sounds good14:55.16 
NancyDurgin but there is not corresponding "restore" function. I was thinking I could try to write an appropriate restore function, assuming that is even the right idea in general.14:55.44 
kens Yeah I doubt if there's a restore.14:56.12 
  I can't see ay solution that doesn't involve copying the colour, and forcing it into the graphics state later14:56.39 
NancyDurgin I need to "save" when the original fillpage happens, then right before I do the actual deferred fillpage, I save whatever is current at that time. Then I "restore" the one I had saved with the fillpage, do the fillpage, and then "restore" the one I had just saved.14:56.46 
kens But you'll need 2 copies, one for the initial state, and one for the 'current' state when you .... Yes what you just said14:57.10 
NancyDurgin if you think that's the right track, I can try it. The function that saves is not very simple looking.14:57.19 
chrisl_laptop But you'll need to save more than just the color: halftone, transfer function, maybe ctm..... possibly other stuff14:57.59 
NancyDurgin right, that's where it gets a bit crazy. It looked to me like there was tons of stuff in the graphics state that might be relevant. hl_color isn't all of it?14:58.28 
kens Well *anything* might have changed in the graphics state14:58.50 
  And it all needs to be 'correct' for the page to be properly erased14:59.16 
NancyDurgin I know. Once I thoguht about it, it seemed potentially very messy to me.14:59.22 
kens changes to CTM will be problematic, as will clip, colour etc.14:59.27 
chrisl_laptop So, maybe taking a copy of the graphics is a better solution14:59.38 
kens I wonder if we might be better messing with the gstate stack14:59.39 
  Copying the gstate is possible14:59.54 
  In some ways perhaps makes more sense15:00.02 
  We have a copy_gstate somewhere don't we ?15:00.10 
  I think we use it for gsave15:00.16 
NancyDurgin hmm yes there is something called gstate_copy15:01.03 
kens That sounds about right15:01.10 
  I believe that when we do a gsave we make a new gstate, copy thte current contents into it, then point the current gstate 'next' at the newly created state15:01.35 
  I could be mistaken though15:01.42 
NancyDurgin so then.... is copying the entire gstate on every fillpage going to have a similar amount of overhead to jsut doing the fillpage?15:01.44 
  especially if in banding mode?15:01.55 
chrisl_laptop Good question.....15:02.00 
kens Probably worse for a clist15:02.13 
  For a page device, not so clear15:02.23 
NancyDurgin is there a flag somewhere to say it is in clist mode?15:02.30 
kens Sadly no15:02.36 
chrisl_laptop Why worse for clist?15:02.42 
kens There may be when I get done though15:02.43 
NancyDurgin argh...15:02.45 
kens I mean the copy is worse than executing fillpage for a clist15:03.03 
NancyDurgin clist already has some check to not waste its time doing multiple fillpages I think.15:03.08 
kens Migh tnot be though, depends how clever the clist is15:03.16 
NancyDurgin If I have a quick test I can just not even install the erasepage optimization if in clist mode.15:03.41 
  I don't know how to do that check15:03.44 
chrisl_laptop Oh, I see... I was worried the device was being subclass post clist15:03.45 
kens So as normal for Ghostscript we have both copy_gstate and gstate_copy :-(15:03.48 
NancyDurgin kens: lol... any idea which one I should be looking at?15:04.08 
kens Well copy_gstaet is PostScript-specific, gstate_copy is grapchis library, so its probably that one15:04.37 
  Oh and we have *2* PostScript copy_gstate procedures15:04.59 
NancyDurgin I only see a zcopy_gstate...15:05.02 
kens zcopy_gstate and z2copy_gstate.....15:05.08 
  see zdevice215:05.24 
NancyDurgin I meant I don't see 'copy_gstate', just 'zcopy_gstate'. But it seems like gstate_copy is the place to look?15:05.45 
kens The 'z' prefix is the way we identify PostScript operators in C15:06.06 
NancyDurgin it takes reasonable looking parameters and stuff (gstate_copy)15:06.17 
kens so zshowpage is the impleenmtnation of showpage etc15:06.18 
NancyDurgin yeah I don't want to do the postscript operator in the middle of my c code, so I think I want the gstate_copy15:06.41 
kens There's a gs_copygstate15:06.53 
NancyDurgin cries15:07.01 
kens WHich looks like its the right thing15:07.03 
  You get used to this with Ghostscript, there's never *one* way to do things15:07.34 
NancyDurgin yeah that looks good. It calls the other one anyway, just fills in the two parameters I wasn't sure of15:07.35 
  okay so instead of saving the pointer, I will copy the entire gstate. In that case I don't need to worry about the gc thing?15:08.04 
kens The string parameter is what shows up in the memory debugging15:08.14 
chrisl_laptop NancyDurgin: If I were you, I make the copy in garbage collected memory15:09.04 
kens OK so if you want to make a copy of the gstate, then I think you want to *no* maintain a GC pointer to it (obviously)15:09.07 
chrisl_laptop <sigh>15:09.18 
kens chrisl_laptop : Yes I was coming to that, you want to make sure you are using the same vm state as the original gstate I think15:09.31 
  SO yes it needs to be in GC'ed memory and you need to make sure its local or global VM15:09.56 
NancyDurgin Okay I am not sure how to allocate the memory for it, then.15:10.14 
kens Which (sorty, tyypo above0 means that yes, you do need a GC pointer15:10.16 
  NancyDurgin : the gstate has a pointer to its memory in it I believe15:10.39 
chrisl_laptop Mainly because something of the things the gstate will point to will also be in gc memory15:10.42 
NancyDurgin okay right, the savepage state will still just have a pointer in it, but it will be a pointer to the copy of the gstate I allocated.15:10.51 
chrisl_laptop yeh, pgs->memory15:10.54 
  That's right, yes15:11.21 
NancyDurgin s/savepage/erasepage15:12.04 
kens NancyDurgin : yes, you alloc (the right type of) memory big enough to hold a copy of the gstate, copy the gstate into it, and then hold a pointer to that memory. That pointer iss what you enumerate in the GC descriptor and reloc_ptr15:12.07 
NancyDurgin okay now for multiple deferred fillpages, is it cool that I just keep re-using my spare allocated gstate, or do I have to keep freeing and making a new one for some obscure GC reason?15:12.58 
kens I can't see any problem with just overwriting it each time15:13.17 
NancyDurgin i.e. I only want to keep the most recent fillpage state15:13.18 
chrisl_laptop Um, reference counting.....15:14.10 
kens Yeah I was just typing that15:14.16 
  Does gstate_copy take care of that ?15:14.40 
chrisl_laptop It's so long since I looked at this..... :-(15:15.16 
kens Same problem here15:15.26 
NancyDurgin Well, I can play it safe and free/reallocate it each time15:15.28 
  then I can look into whether that is necessary15:15.35 
kens You won't want to free it directly15:15.49 
  You'll need to use the gstate_free function or whatever it is called15:16.06 
NancyDurgin this is seeming like a ton of overhead :(15:16.19 
kens I can't disagree15:16.30 
  It does make me wonder how useful this is really going to be15:16.40 
NancyDurgin I am getting skeptical that this will actually be an optimization 15:16.42 
  Well, worst case we found all those issues with the subclass stuff?15:17.21 
chrisl_laptop So, here's a suggestion: how about looking at what in the graphics state fillpage *actually* uses, and only saving that15:17.31 
kens Yes, which is worth doing anyway15:17.35 
NancyDurgin chrisl_laptop: there are lots of different implementations of fillpage?15:18.00 
chrisl_laptop Of course there are.... :-(15:19.05 
kens The fillpage device method takes the entire graphics state as a parameter15:19.09 
  So every device cna do its own thing15:19.20 
NancyDurgin yeah that was kind of my conclusion15:19.27 
  At some "theoretical level", if the whole graphics state is a parameter, then I need to provide that same value to the deferred call. I think trying to do it piecemeal will result in weird bugs?15:20.30 
kens chrisl I think that copying/freeing gstates ought to be reasonably quick, because gsave and grestore do this, and we use those a *lot*15:20.38 
NancyDurgin I can go ahead and try it. That seems pretty clean/straightforward to try.15:21.00 
kens NancyDurgin : I don't thin we can do it partially, I think the only viabl;e solution is to copy the gstate on each fillpage, freeing the old one if present15:21.19 
NancyDurgin kens: yes15:21.27 
chrisl_laptop I agree, yes.15:22.02 
NancyDurgin as far as how useful it is, I think it wil be most useful on higher res devices? But at the same time, higher res devices tend to use clist? Do we have examples of hi-res devices that are not clist (giant frame buffers)?15:22.25 
chrisl_laptop Anyway rendering device can be made to use a giant page buffer15:23.01 
kens At a guess (you'll need to poke into this yourself) on each fillpage check to see if we have already allocated a gstate (NULLL pointer check seems easiest). If not then allocate one and copy the gstate to it using gstate_copy. If we have already got a copy, use gstate_free_contents to discard it and then use gstate_copy to copy the current one15:23.02 
chrisl_laptop gstate_free_contents() will need to be made non-static15:23.40 
kens Oh is it static ? Didn't realise15:23.53 
chrisl_laptop You could use gs_gstate_finalize()15:24.07 
kens We could define an accessor instead gs_gstate_free_contents15:24.14 
  Oh it has a finalize ?15:24.27 
chrisl_laptop It does, and it *is* public15:24.40 
kens OK well that's doable15:24.47 
chrisl_laptop But, frankly, I wouldn't have a problem making gstate_free_contents() non-static15:25.12 
kens Either works for me15:25.28 
NancyDurgin err... doesn't gs_gstate_finalize() havea. potential bug in it?15:25.34 
kens In what way ?15:25.48 
NancyDurgin the cmem thing (which was to be used for debugging?) looks like it could sometimes happen to be zero, so it would return early15:25.59 
  I mean, it is an unitialized stack variable? What am I missing?15:26.17 
chrisl_laptop In the case, the cmem parameter would be pgs->memory15:26.30 
NancyDurgin nevermind I can't read...15:26.39 
kens :-)15:26.43 
kens is totally familiar with that situation15:26.51 
NancyDurgin i see... that "cmem;" thing threw me. I guess that is to trick the compiler.15:27.04 
kens To avoid a compiler warning or a Coverity warning or something I suspect15:27.40 
NancyDurgin anyway, I think I can just call gs_gstate_finalize()15:28.01 
chrisl_laptop The finalize methods are called from the memory manager (normally) via a function pointer, so they all take a gs_memory_t * and a void * - in this specific case, the cmem parameter isn't required15:28.09 
NancyDurgin so in that case, I don't have reallocate it over and over again, I just have to "free" its contents before copying new things in15:28.17 
kens Yeah that's the plan15:28.30 
chrisl_laptop That *should* speed things up a bit15:28.41 
kens Its still a shed load of stuff to copy, but at least its just the copy, and the functios are already in place to do it15:28.56 
NancyDurgin okay I will try this15:29.48 
chrisl_laptop Good luck!15:29.56 
kens seconds that15:30.07 
chrisl_laptop NancyDurgin: If you do start to get bogged down in (suspected) garbage collector stuff, feel free to toss it to me to look at.....15:30.56 
NancyDurgin okay thanks15:31.11 
kens Bear in mind that until I finish the clist stuff we can't test this with a clist anyway, it'll all have to be page buffer devices15:31.36 
  I'm not currently looking at the clist, I need to talk to michael now15:31.53 
NancyDurgin a flag to indicate whether a device in clist mode seems like a good thing to me.... I am unclear what you are doing with the clist stuff at this time, though.15:33.17 
kens That's because I haven't explained it :-)15:33.31 
  And I'm facing the exact problem of not knowing if a device is a clist user or not15:33.43 
  There's a really hacky test in the code already, but I think we need something more... reliable....15:34.18 
chrisl_laptop I think there are a few15:34.34 
kens All the tests I've seen rely on castin gthe device to a gdevprn device and testing some of the members15:35.08 
chrisl_laptop IIRC, we usually check one of the procs15:35.54 
kens Ah, that mihgt do it15:37.00 
  I should look more closely when I get done with this Lab thing15:37.19 
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