Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/24)20180725 
sebras kens: ok, so I have yet another a set of jbig2dec changes I'd like to push.12:12.04 
  kens: now that watts (the machine) has been testing compiling it for windows, and me carefully reviewing the patchs for usage of INT32_MAX/etc. it clusters well in other words.12:13.10 
  kens: I'm using SIZE_MAX now and it seems to be present in limits.h from the VS2005 that I unpacked.12:15.27 
  kens: please read the logs, I sent messages while you were absent, sorry. :)12:20.53 
kens Network outage, had to reboot router12:21.10 
sebras kens: np.12:21.22 
kens OK so that seems reasonable12:21.46 
  I gues I'll find out after I next rebase :-)12:21.57 
sebras kens: ;)12:22.21 
raliste Hi, does anyone have experience with mupdf?23:59.52 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/07/26)>>> 
ghostscript.com #mupdf