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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/12)20180813 
rigid ahoy18:49.25 
  i'm using pdfnup to create a strip from multiple pages. Some pages that are scaled down have poor quality when printed. When I load the page into inkscape, scale it down to the same size and print it, the quality is much better18:50.53 
  my pipe is: pdfjam input.pdf '1,2,3,4,5' -o /dev/stdout | pdfnup --delta "0mm 0.5cm" --frame true --nup 5x1 -o output.pdf18:52.10 
  does anyone know how I could improve the quality?18:53.38 
  my guess is that now my printer does the scaling. In Inkscape the image is scaled beforehand. If I could make pdfnup use another scaling method, quality might improve.18:53.59 
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