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sebras tor8: Robin_Watts: either that or try to fix the gl build and require that to succeed too.06:29.55 
lilltiger kens: I got it to move it coretly now, but the issue is that when sent to gs it resizes it :/ so the printout is too small, like itäs adding margins or something like that08:43.40 
kens Send what to GS ?08:43.59 
lilltiger the croped PDF, you helpt me yesterday with the offset command08:46.58 
kens I can't see any reason why GS would render that other than at A408:47.17 
lilltiger yhee, that is what is strange, if I take the croped one and send it to my printer it is printed just as it should be, but after i sent it to gs the result is too small08:48.27 
kens Sorry I'm not following you at all. what do you mean by 'sent to gs' ? What command line ?08:49.26 
lilltiger https://dev.plastprint.se/index.php/DownloadPDF?&design_id=408:50.12 
  this is the file08:50.15 
kens Well its not A408:51.33 
lilltiger gs -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o 'doc.pdf' -f 'doc2.pdf'08:51.48 
kens You know, you don't need to set LeaveColorUnchanged, that's the default....08:53.00 
lilltiger emm, is that inchest the numbers seems very strange to me08:53.03 
kens That's the size of your input file in inches08:53.40 
lilltiger indeed a little smaller then an a408:54.56 
kens Umm, no, differntly sized.08:55.11 
lilltiger and i want gs to print it to an a4 without changing the size of it at all08:55.17 
  8.3 x 11.7 is an a4 right?08:55.34 
kens 8.27x11.6908:55.44 
  So yours is wider and shorter08:55.53 
lilltiger ok, so i want to print it with croping to an a408:56.23 
kens And yet, your complaint is cropping ? :-)08:56.40 
lilltiger no, resizing08:56.52 
kens The command line you've supplied should not resize it08:57.10 
  Unless you set -dPDFFitPage08:57.36 
lilltiger check the link now08:57.46 
sebras lilltiger: ehm. lilltiger, you should probably ask whomever manages your website to "inaktiva Joomlas felsökningskonsoll".08:58.01 
lilltiger the commans are exactly as i pasted (ecept the file name and that i pass it throught php's exec so escaping etc. but no change of parameters08:58.24 
kens Well you've got a totally different media size08:58.37 
lilltiger sebras: it's the dev page..08:58.39 
kens 11.69x16.54 which is A3 landscape I think08:58.52 
lilltiger sebras: still deactivated now :)08:59.50 
sebras lilltiger: ah, I didn't notice that, sorry. :)09:00.50 
kens Which one, the 8.35x10.75, or the 11.69x16.54 ? And when you say print what do you mean ? Is this using GS ?09:00.59 
lilltiger kens: ohh! that explains it, and yhee you said it was bigger, i actualy did a check to see if the crop was bigger then a4 if so print it to a3! haha09:01.50 
kens Well, that would be why it comes out to A3 then09:02.10 
lilltiger indeedio ;D09:02.21 
  now it comes out as a409:02.28 
  and is croped as expected09:02.37 
kens OK that's what I see too09:02.48 
lilltiger so now I have to find a solution for these products that should fit on an a4 but is just sligtly too large :D09:03.45 
kens Well, that one is up to you, no idea what you want to do about that.09:04.18 
lilltiger Well either we will have to decrese the size of the printing area allowed on the product, or we have to crop the printing area when they print it to a printer or something like that09:05.34 
  while we are at it, dow do i sent multiple statements with the -c command=09:06.53 
  -c "<</PageOffset [{$offset[0]} {$offset[1]}]>>setpagedevice" and -c "<< /.HWMargins [0 0 0 0] /Margins [-75 0] >> setpagedevice"09:07.17 
  like if i want to send in both of those09:07.26 
kens Its PostScript09:07.42 
  << >> is a dicitonary09:07.47 
  "/Key <value> are pairs in the dictionary09:08.13 
  So you just put each key/value pair into the one dictionary09:08.29 
lilltiger ahh09:08.38 
  and the second one already have two, should have seen that :)09:09.03 
kens That's how it works, yes09:09.19 
lilltiger Thanks for all the help!09:11.43 
kens ok09:11.54 
lilltiger C++ is so much easier then printing.. ;D09:12.05 
kens C++ is an offence against sanity...09:12.24 
lilltiger haha ;)09:12.32 
  personaly I like C++ alot compared to JS and PHP wich is what I work the most in.09:13.19 
kens People should code in C or assembly language :-)09:13.33 
lilltiger if only all CPU's would follow the same asm instructions!09:14.09 
sebras kens: I expected you to advocate for PostScript..? ;)09:14.53 
kens PostScript is a write-only language09:15.03 
  Nobody sane writes code in C09:15.12 
  Err PostScriotp09:15.21 
lilltiger well would be true for both ;)09:15.31 
kens is trying to find the 'write in C' song09:15.33 
  C is easy09:15.40 
sebras kens: yes, it's perfect! write-only languages never require code reviews because the code is perfect as it is written.09:15.46 
kens C++ is just a way to hide the things you need to know09:15.53 
lilltiger that is quite the missconceptions of C++09:16.15 
kens Ah, there we go:09:17.58 
lilltiger hmm, can gs "overprint" so it keeps the stuff outside the paper margins in the PDF while the pagesize is still a409:45.30 
kens No09:45.45 
  Unless the object is at least partially inside the clipping region09:46.01 
lilltiger that would actualy do just fine09:46.49 
kens That's only for images. If the object is a vector description of a path, ti will be clipped to the page09:47.26 
lilltiger :/09:47.34 
  was so close to an solution, and then i think of one more thing.. and well guess I cant use GS then :/09:48.16 
Robin_Watts kens: hah. not seen that before.11:43.54 
kens ?11:44.01 
Robin_Watts Write in C.11:44.07 
kens Oh write in C ?11:44.08 
  I think its pretty old :-)11:44.17 
kens lunches11:49.53 
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