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deekej Hello chrisl, I'm working on rebase to 9.25 for RHEL-7, and I have found out you have dropped the 2 cups filters previously shipped with Ghostscript... Unfortunately I think we won't be able to do a rebase of cups-filters as well. So I was wondering...10:12.49 
  Would it be possible to just add the source code of those filters into 9.25 cups/ folder, and build them like this?10:13.19 
kens Which fiels are you referring to deekej ?10:13.21 
deekej kens: I see gstopxl and gstoraster here...10:14.05 
kens These don't sound like Ghostscript devices, are we talking about shell scritps ?10:14.37 
deekej kens: also, some pxlcolor.ppd and pxlmono.ppd10:14.40 
  kens: gstopxl is a shell script, gstoraster is some ELF binary10:15.19 
kens Well as far as I know we haven't removed them from the source tree10:15.19 
deekej hmm, maybe they have moved, but I don't see the source code for them in 9.25, only in 9.07 (cups/ folder)10:16.03 
kens Well you're talking archaeology now10:16.38 
deekej you might have dropped them since latest cups-filters should have them IIRC10:16.42 
kens I would imagine that's why.10:16.56 
  I'm farily sure that gstoratser isn't actulaly anything of ours10:17.13 
deekej I'm wondering if I could just backport the source code for it into 9.25 and recompile it, if the Ghostcript would still work with them like this10:17.39 
kens OK this commit:10:17.54 
  AFAIK this is basically nothing to do with Ghostscritp. Its possible these *use* Ghostscript, but GS itself won't have changed, so they should still work10:18.33 
  But you should read teh commit message for details.10:18.55 
  As you can see, this wasn't done by the Artifex developers10:19.06 
  Alternatively, you could contact Till, of course10:19.54 
  Readign the commtns, it looks too me like you should really be using cups-filters, but if you're into 5 year old changes, I don't know how that would fit with the resto of the system. I can't see why you would want to use this with GS 9.25 though10:21.13 
deekej it's because of compatibility, kens. We're doing rebase to 9.25 in RHEL-7, and that would remove those filters from customers machine. So I either have to add it back manually somehow, or do a rebase in cups-filters (unlikely). :)10:36.25 
  And yes, I also get a feeling after a discussion with my colleage that those filters are just using Ghostscript, and Ghostscript does not need them at all.10:37.08 
  IMHO, it should be OK to add them back to the build and ship them as before, to not break things10:37.36 
  however, it will need to be tested further :)10:37.45 
kens Well, its up to you. I'd thave thought that either you have the latest cups-filters (or at least one no more than 5 years old), in which case GS is just a dependency, or you don't. In which case you should upgrade. But.... Not really a question for us I think.10:38.32 
chrisl deekej: Those filters were moved from Ghostscript to (I think) cups, or one of the cups subpackages - AFAIK, the source didn't change with that move12:13.39 
  FWIW: https://github.com/richud/gstoraster12:14.53 
taviso Hello, whats the status of the errorhandler stuff? I'm kinda blocking on reviewing more of the internals until I know what the solution is, are you just going with s/def/odef/g? 17:31.47 
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