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ray_laptop erunks: drawing something in a particular spot color after the rest of the page has been painted isn't that hard (with an EndPage procedure), but as was mentioned back then, does require PostScript knowledge)13:56.21 
  erunks: it's similar to adding a watermark on top of a page (there are examples of that kind of thing that I'm sure google can find)13:57.09 
erunks That's good to know! What about the layering portion of the issue?13:57.37 
ray_laptop as kens described there, "layer" can mean just about anything. PS paints on top of whatever's there, so whatever is painted last can be considered a layer on top13:58.57 
  and with a spot color, what you draw in that color can be "invisible" -- some apps paint a "varnish" layer or a "cut" layer in a spot color which has is defined to have 0.00 for its equivalent color in CMYK14:00.55 
  then an app (like ghostscript) that can do separations can produce that as a separate image14:01.45 
  or, if written to a psdcmyk file will have that spot color channel -- Photoshop can show it (and I think gimp can)14:02.44 
erunks That's essentially what I'm going for. I need to be able to define a cut line in a spot color. The only issue is that the machine looks for a genuine AI/PS style layer with a name, yet somehow we can include that in a PDF if exported directly from the Adobe program14:03.27 
ray_laptop making it a Optional Content into a PDF is more difficult14:03.40 
erunks So trying to do that without the middle man of AI or PS is where I feel like I'm stuckl14:03.50 
  Especially if EPS files have no concepts of layers14:04.13 
  I suppose it's worth a shot though, just trying to include the spot color 'cut' layer without anything else first14:05.33 
  Thanks, Ray. I appreciate the help14:08.04 
chrisl kens: Before you finish for the day, could I get you to look over a few commits?15:54.49 
kens Sure we cna trade favours on that, I have one nearly ready15:55.02 
chrisl Okay - I didn't want to bug you if you were in the middle of something horrid15:55.49 
kens No I was weriting up my commit log for your perusal :-)15:56.02 
  I finished opening the bug report :-)15:56.08 
  top 3 commits ?15:56.12 
chrisl Yes15:56.17 
kens LOL so .countexecstack and .execstack finally get a real use :-)15:58.17 
chrisl Yeh, I'm rather glad you hadn't removed them completely!15:58.33 
kens I was circumspect :-)15:58.45 
  Fear of getting it badly wrong really15:59.04 
chrisl Although, I'm also rather horrified we have a procedure that does what that one does15:59.16 
kens Its no worse than many, many others :-(15:59.37 
  The operator arrays one looks good, pleased to have that fixed so quickly. Harder than I had expected16:00.29 
chrisl Well, fixing the exploit was easy - fixing the stuff that broke because of that....16:00.59 
kens Subclass one looks good too. I'm *sure* I used to do that stype_is_dynamic stuff once upon a time16:01.22 
  Yeah it was teh 'follow on' that was harder than I expected16:01.35 
  Ah you altered the order so we close devices before finalizing them, that makes sense to me too16:02.20 
chrisl Well, I think we only added the subclass finalize back in July16:02.51 
kens Yes you're quite correct, it was part of the work Nancy did16:03.05 
chrisl And the order of operations: clearly makes no differences to our current device roster, but it felt oh so wrong as it was16:03.44 
kens Yeah it feels badly wrong to finalize the device before closing it.16:04.10 
  But it does feel like part of the general confusion about create/open/close/finalize16:04.29 
NancyDurgin I remember some confusion about that finalize stuff when I was working on subclass. 16:04.49 
chrisl Well, create/finish_copy/open/close/finalize 16:05.11 
kens Yes I feel that the line Chris has put back in was present in an earlier incarnation, btu I couldn't remember what it was about16:05.21 
NancyDurgin btw I did put a command line switch to disable my epo optimization, so if it is suspected that there is a bug related to it, you can disable it to confirm the theory or whatever16:06.18 
chrisl NancyDurgin: I've used it a few times, yes16:06.42 
NancyDurgin good... I am glad it's useful then.16:07.03 
chrisl It proved it did cause a problem in one case - and proved I had a lot more work to do in a couple of others!16:07.33 
NancyDurgin it's nice to avoid wild goose chases if it's not the problem16:07.51 
chrisl Wild geese are a perennial problem with Ghostscript :-)16:08.40 
kens chrisl if you could cast an eye over this:16:13.10 
chrisl I guess I should also see if we can hide .setglobal.....16:13.17 
kens Hopefully it's not too offensive.....16:13.18 
chrisl " should be absolutely fin"16:13.59 
kens Yeah I was just fixing that16:14.05 
NancyDurgin kens: BTW I went ahead and put in a fix in pdf_shading.c so it won't crash if colorspace is null. It's on my branch. (no rush!)16:14.19 
kens I'll try and catch up Nancy, got a few more things to deal with16:14.35 
chrisl kens: I assume "If its o" should be "If its 0" ?16:15.01 
kens Huh and an o for 0 mistake in teh commit log too16:15.11 
NancyDurgin kens: No problem16:15.14 
kens Ah great mind chrisl16:15.22 
chrisl kens: Oh, the actual fix is much simpler than I feared16:16.18 
kens Yeah, once I got there, it was miniscule16:16.32 
  Getting to it was the hard part16:16.39 
chrisl Ah, mine was the opposite!16:16.59 
kens Yes, I'd noticed!16:17.09 
chrisl Anyway, that looks good16:17.17 
kens Thanks I'll go ahead with it then and tell Phil16:17.29 
chrisl Push yours, then I'll push mine16:18.10 
kens done16:18.26 
  chrisl I did experiment with hiding .setglobal in the course of that bug, and it seemed to be OK16:32.28 
  Probably as a result of all the oother changes we've done recently16:32.42 
chrisl kens: I'll take a look at it - been distracted by e-mails16:33.38 
kens Yeah me also16:33.47 
chrisl Holy crap, it's used everywhere16:34.22 
kens I htink that was the problem last time I tried to hide it16:34.39 
  It was too extensive for me to easily change. I assume it because the DPS version does 'special stuff'16:35.03 
  Anyway, I have to dash Stella is baby-sitting for next door this evening. Goodnight everyone16:35.40 
chrisl Good night16:35.49 
taviso I'm a little scared to see the SAFERERRORS change... are you completely opposed to making it on by default, and adding NOSAFERERRORS instead?21:51.45 
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