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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/10/22)20181023 
chrisl tsenko: I don't think pstopnm is something we supply - so that's not really something we can answer06:23.42 
  tsenko: Possibly you could use the GS_OPTIONS environment va06:25.35 Chans: (ghostbot) in:#ghostscript06:24.55 
tsenko chrisl: thank you .. i found a way to do what i need 06:25.40 
chrisl tsenko: Okay, that's good06:26.00 
tkamppeter Hi,10:35.19 
  I got this bug report: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70002310:35.36 
  Seems that the changes of 9.25 broke something in the cups output device.10:36.02 
  Can someone have a look into this?10:36.16 
kens The same error occurs in 9.22 for us10:39.41 
  While there is a problem, it does not appear to be caused by 9.2510:39.59 
tkamppeter kens, could it be a regression of 9.21 -> 9.22 then?11:05.06 
kens It was introduced in 9.2211:05.19 
  We've foudn the relevant commit11:05.26 
tkamppeter OK.11:06.16 
  What was the commit?11:06.24 
kens http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commit;h=478a0a862d2593199bcae599e46bdc97b525bb1211:06.39 
tkamppeter Could you fix that?11:09.23 
kens At the moment, no, because I don't understand the code. It may have to wait until teh engineer that made the change is available11:09.46 
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