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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/02)20181103 
lorfds I was on here a few days ago with a pcl conversion issue. I have now narrowed down the issue to the pcl interpreter itself. When I load the particular pcl file I have in RedTitan, it shows one thing. When I load it in SwiftView, it shows another. Specifically, there are areas that show solid gray in RedTitan that show light grey/crosshatched in SwiftView. Any idea how to reconcile this 20:34.02 
  behavior and make ghostpdl act more like Swiftview?20:34.02 
  is there a greyscale mode versus black and white with ghostpdl?20:43.06 
  that could be some of this....20:43.10 
sebras lorfds: you probably need to wait until (or come back at) monday. there are rarely developers here on weekends.23:48.53 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/11/04)>>> 
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