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kens dmabs (for the logs) -dDuplex has no effect on high level output.08:05.59 
dmabs is there any way to accomplish creating a duplex ps file from a pdf? am I thinking about this the wrong way?13:46.10 
kens2 As I said in my reply on gs-devel, you can use PSDocOptions and PSPageOptions with the ps2write device13:46.39 
  Or edit the file after production.13:46.48 
  In PostScript there is nothing 'special' about a duplex file. All that means is that the program requests the device to duplex the pages. The program itself is unchnged13:47.34 
NancyDurgin kens2: Can I ask you a question over here?16:02.29 
kens2 Yes sure16:02.39 
NancyDurgin What is the "object_num" that is in every object, supposed to be? It is almost always 0, it seems. Is it important?16:03.10 
kens2 Its a real number if it was an object read from teh PDF file, otherwise its 016:03.27 
NancyDurgin I have the refcount thing turned on, and UID seems rational, but object_id doesn't16:03.31 
kens2 so if we execute a content stream and put an integer on the stack, that integer will haev an object number of 016:03.44 
NancyDurgin okay well this file has a ton of objects in it, I am pretty sure. But it is almost always 016:03.48 
kens2 The majority of objects come from page content streams and will be 016:04.13 
  I fyou think about it, everything in the content stream goes on the stack, which means it has a reference count, but no object number16:05.05 
NancyDurgin is it used for anything besides tracking purposes? I mean if it's wrong, is it a problem?16:05.26 
kens2 There are comparatively few objects which have numbers, there should be no more than the size of the xref16:05.29 
NancyDurgin I don't necessarily think it's wrong, just wondering whether I should be worried16:05.37 
kens2 We don't use it much yet, we will need it in future. For example, its one of the thihngs we need to differentiate between mutliple fonts with the same name16:05.57 
NancyDurgin okay I think maybe there is just so much going on in this file that the ones with 0 dwarfs the ones without 0's, so maybe it is fine.16:06.49 
kens2 Its something the PDF itnerpreter didn't do, and we've had to retrofit it,.which is incomplete and was painful to do (and unreliable) so I wanted it in there right at the start this time16:07.00 
NancyDurgin my crash happens at UID 262844 and the debugger takes like 10 minutes to get there :(16:07.11 
kens2 Yeah its likely that a real world PDF file is highly complictaed I'm afraid.16:07.22 
  Normally we reduce files to get to the point of a problem, but that may not bea feasible in this case16:07.38 
NancyDurgin I tried reducing and the crash went away. I mean it is probably possible to reduce it, but I am not sure the effort would pay off.16:08.03 
kens2 Sadly in this sort of problem, it may not be possible to reduce the file at all16:08.23 
  We've had cases like that before, and it is painful to work with them16:08.37 
NancyDurgin I did extract page 3, which is where the crash happens. But page 3 is super-complex.16:08.41 
kens2 Well, its better than havig to do the whoelPDF file I guess16:09.01 
NancyDurgin I am pretty sure the crash will have something to do with it being complex, unfortunately16:09.05 
kens2 I suspect you are right. I can look at it in a few days, but I'm really keen to get this release out before the sttaff meeting. Otherwise it'll probably fall into the Xmas break16:09.48 
NancyDurgin it's fine, I will plug away at it16:10.23 
  it doesn't appear to be the most obvious thing, that smoebody is decrementing the object ref when they shouldn't be :(16:10.54 
kens2 Thanks. If you get really stuck move on, and I'll try to tackle it when I have some time free. I suppose its another possible airplane job16:10.55 
dmabs aw, kens2 left before I could thank him17:31.27 
chrisl dmabs: You can do so, he'll read the channel logs tomorrow morning (UK time)17:37.53 
dmabs ah, by seeing him leave, I assumed he wasn’t using a bouncer / no logs17:38.41 
chrisl We log this channel at https://ghostscript.com/irclogs/17:39.06 
dmabs ken2: thanks! that was exactly the kind of advice I was looking for17:39.14 
  and sorry all for double posting the mailing list. being new, I was unsure how active everyone was on irc17:40.12 
chrisl dmabs: We try to keep an eye on IRC, but we're not all around all the time17:41.31 
lorfds does ghostpdl support pcl macros?18:13.39 
  also, if anyone has any expertise in pcl macros, let me know...i have some questions18:13.52 
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