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kens lorfds as far as I'm aware GhostPCL supports macros in PCL, yes. Beyond that, I know nothing about PCL macros.08:23.26 
a-l-e the scribus layout software seems to be affected by a ghostscript bug...09:25.13 
  the user can load a pdf into an image frame and scribus converts it to a png when exporting the whole file to pdf.09:25.49 
  gs 9.24 and 9.25 fail with the command:09:26.23 
  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300 -sOutputFile=/tmp/test.png -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dUseArtBox mu-install-enUS-a4.pdf -c showpage09:26.41 
kens If you think you've found a bug, then you shoudl open a bug report. We'll need both the command line and the specimen file attached to the buig09:26.47 
  And it looks to me like your command line there will emit an extra bllank page09:27.16 
chrisl a-l-e: does it work if you drop the -dPARANOIDSAFER ?09:28.01 
a-l-e i got the command from one of the main scribus developer.09:28.39 
kens Yes, but the question remains valid09:28.51 
a-l-e (sadly i cannot link to the ticket in the scribus tracker since it contains a pdf that cannot be made public)09:29.00 
chrisl Oh well, not much we can do, then09:29.14 
kens Indeed09:29.18 
a-l-e no it does not work either if i remove -dPARANOIDSAFER09:29.43 
kens In what way 'does not work' ?09:29.53 
  crash, error, wrong output, something else ?09:30.04 
a-l-e segementation fault09:30.10 
kens Well I don't think there's any way we're going to be able to fix that without seeing the file09:30.27 
chrisl Ah, so leave off the LastPage/FirstPage parameters09:30.30 
kens Hmm yes there was a report for that wasn't there09:30.43 
a-l-e isn't last/first page picking the page range?09:31.23 
chrisl Yes09:31.28 
kens Yes, but a range of 1->1 is failry pointless09:31.36 
a-l-e well, scribus needs that... 09:31.37 
  that's not the first page?09:31.49 
kens We're trying to diagnose your problem without seeing the file09:31.55 
  Yes that's the first page09:32.09 
a-l-e i have created a bugzilla account while chatting with you...09:32.14 
kens Well, we cna mark the file private09:32.26 
a-l-e and i do the step for uploading everything in parallel...09:32.28 
kens If you're prepared to share it with us09:32.32 
a-l-e i can share a file of mine that fails. it's a public one.09:32.44 
kens That'll do nicely!09:32.52 
a-l-e but i cannot make the scribus bug public.09:32.53 
kens Well we cna at least see if your problem is already fixed, which I suspect it is09:33.11 
a-l-e https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70013909:37.45 
kens OK give me a minute09:38.10 
  Ah its pngalpha, almost certainly that's been fixed09:38.26 
chrisl http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=04333a6f1344df6b5069880cafe7b190d098460109:39.13 
kens That's what I was thinking yes09:39.31 
  Yep, it signal 11's on 9.25 works on current code. If you remove the _dFirstPage dna -dLastPage it also works.09:44.14 
  So I'm confident its fixed and 99+% confident its that fix. Though there are several other recent fixes in the same area and it would be best to pick up all of them.09:44.14 
a-l-e but if i remove the first and last page scribus cannot select the page to be exported... or is there another way to do it?09:44.14 
kens No.09:44.14 
  You either need to not use the feature, or pick up the bug fix.09:44.14 
a-l-e on linux (and i think also os x), scribus is using the installed gs.09:44.14 
  on windows i think we can provide an older gs.09:44.24 
kens Then you need to get a Ghostscritp installed which has the bug fix09:44.29 
a-l-e it's not me who needs the patch... it's all our users!09:44.48 
chrisl a-l-e: What do you want us to do then?09:45.01 
a-l-e ... at least the ones on linux.09:45.02 
kens I don't really see what you exepect us to do about it. Its a bug, it was fixed. I'm sure this happens for Scribus too09:45.19 
a-l-e i don't expect you to do anything. i was just suggesting that your hints do not apply.09:45.55 
  and the difference between scribus and gs is that scribus is a software that is directly used by the users.09:46.26 
kens So is Ghostscript09:46.38 
a-l-e gs is often used in the background by other applications, and this case the user cannot understand what is going on.09:46.50 
chrisl a-l-e: Unfortunately, we don't have much influence over when/what fixes the package maintainers roll out09:47.23 
a-l-e the only thing scribus can do is issue a version that refuses to create a pdf is gs 9.24 or 9.25 is detected.09:47.24 
  as said, i cannot force you to do anything.09:47.53 
kens You could also use a device other than pngalpha09:47.57 
  png16m would work I beleive09:48.06 
  Assuming this is merely a preview09:48.19 
a-l-e but if you have a hint that helps scribus "survive" until the patch is on the users computers, that would be awesome.09:48.45 
  the png is the image that is in the PDF and is used for professional printing.09:49.01 
  it's not a preview.09:49.04 
kens Well, if you want the background left as 'transparent' you don't have a choice. If that's not important (which it likely isn't unless placing the PNG in another page) then you could probably use a differnt PNG device09:49.59 
a-l-e pdftops | psselect | gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha ... could be something...09:50.05 
chrisl NO!!!09:50.20 
a-l-e the png is placed in a scribus page.09:50.21 
chrisl Seriously, don't convert to Postscript first09:50.31 
a-l-e transparency can be relevant.09:50.34 
chrisl You could if you detect a broken version of gs, convert to a single page PDF, then import that without the FirstPage/LastPage params09:51.15 
a-l-e gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -first -last | gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha09:51.21 
chrisl I'm not sure I would trust pdfwrite writing to stdout, personally09:51.43 
kens I certainly wouldn't!09:51.51 
chrisl But do that to a temp file, yes09:51.54 
a-l-e ... ok a temp file is ok... i guess.09:51.58 
chrisl Remember to delete it :-)09:52.14 
kens I wouldn't normally reccomend it at all, but as a work-arond it might be acceptable, in the short term09:52.23 
a-l-e yeah.09:52.25 
  well, i would not put a pdf in an image frame if don't have to... but many users have to do so.09:53.06 
chrisl As I say, I'd run time switch between directly to pngalpha and pdfwrite/pngalpha depending on gs version09:53.27 
a-l-e i'll test it locally, and if it works here, i'll suggest it to the scribus developer who is in charge.09:53.58 
  ok, it works locally. we will see what the "official" scribus guy says...09:59.44 
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