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sebras chrisl: ok, so I took two JPEG from here: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=7375114:28.49 
  chrisl: one 2Mbyte and one 35 Mbyte14:29.00 
kens Are they baseline JPEG14:29.11 
sebras next I used mutool create to create PDFs for me for each of those JPEGs14:29.14 
kens Oh OK14:29.19 
sebras I don't know what baseline JPEGs are. :)14:29.28 
kens Its in the spec14:29.44 
sebras I would assume that mutool create just copies those JPEGs directly into the PDF without checking anything.14:30.09 
kens Hmm, that would be less than ideal14:30.19 
  But if Acrobat can open them then I guess its OK14:30.27 
sebras next I coaxed gs to compile with libjpeg-turbo, which require me to replace the guts of base/gsjconf.h since the existing defines for whatever reason was incompatible with libjpeg-turbo. in this instance I simply copied the contents of my Debian-system-installed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/jconfig.h (yes, I was also surprised that there are ARCH-specific headers...).14:32.32 
  with one gs built with our standard libjpeg-9c and one built using libjpeg-turbo-whateverversion I got these results:14:33.00 
kens So its faster14:33.49 
sebras I think I'm testing version 1.5.2-2+b1 at least.14:33.50 
  seems like it.14:33.55 
  however I did have to install nasm just to get the library to compile.14:34.17 
kens Yep14:34.22 
sebras that's not a surprise, but it means gs would have a new dependency.14:34.28 
kens That's one of Chris' complaints14:34.30 
sebras I'll look into whether these JPEGs conform to the specification baseline.14:34.59 
kens I expect they probably do14:35.14 
sebras at least the performance difference would warrant the time looking into that. :)14:35.28 
  I wanted BIG JPEGs so the difference would be visible.14:35.47 
kens That's not very big really, we've seen bigger14:36.18 
  > 100MB14:36.23 
sebras kens: ok, are they available somewhere?14:36.56 
kens Well, in the test suite I guess14:37.10 
sebras kens: might be an interesting data point.14:37.11 
kens TBH I try not to put files like that in the tests cos thhey are big14:39.22 
chrisl sebras: I'd rather have representative files with DCT encoded images in them. jpegturbo might take 50 per cent of the time to decode an image, but if it's only 20% of the execution time for 90% of "real" files, it's not (IMHO) worth the effort14:59.21 
sebras chrisl: right, also because libjpeg-turbo is dependent on the computer being used we'd also need to think about what platform it should be tested on.15:50.57 
  chrisl: so far I simply tested on my laptop.15:51.13 
  chrisl: I didn't change the CPU governor, so perhaps the CPU frequrency is varying wildly.15:51.51 
  chrisl: but if this simple test proved that the difference is in the 1-3% range then we'd already know that this is not worthwhile testing at all.15:52.22 
chrisl sebras: That's true. I wasn't criticising your approach - it at least makes it easy so see when you *are* using jpegturbo15:53.27 
  I just don't think it's worth the hassle, the extra dependency (which will be a *huge* pain on Windows), to only see worthwhile improvements in a smal fraction of niche jobs15:54.43 
sebras chrisl: right.15:55.22 
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