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spaceguns1 Could someone help me me troubleshoot a user error or a possible bug involving -sDevice=pngalpha?02:44.49 
  gswin64c -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sBATCH -sNOPAUSE -dBackgroundColor=16#ffffff -sOutputFile=output.png input.pdf02:45.09 
  ^^^ This works02:45.13 
  gswin64c -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sBATCH -sNOPAUSE -dBackgroundColor=16#ffffff -sPageList=1 -sOutputFile=output.png input.pdf02:45.20 
  ^^^ This results in a 0 byte png being generated02:45.30 
  I am trying to capture specific pages and the -sDEVICE=pngalpha fails to properly generate a file when I use any type of page range specifications02:46.41 
  will checkup tomorrow on the pngalpha bit05:31.22 
kens spaceguns1 your command line works for me.08:58.46 
  However you haven't told us which version of Ghostscript you are using, nor given us the file to test with, so there could possibly be some diferennce there.08:59.20 
  Obviously I used a PDF file I happened to have to hand08:59.31 
  pff wrong window08:59.53 
spaceguns1 hey @kens this is using gs 9.25 and it is failing on all of my multi-page pdf files, single page ones with that command seem to render fine.14:19.07 
  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QL0sdViVoEzZ3CuBjQmzm41-RX1kTtzd?usp=sharing example file and output I am getting14:21.41 
  just put a few different test files and the output in the shared link. Any pdf's of 1x page are processing fine, anything with 2x pages are getting 0 byte output files14:28.38 
kens spaceguns1: Sorry was away from keyboard. Best time to catch someone here is office hours in Europe.15:32.40 
  I tried your file with current code and it works, but with the 9.25 release, 32 and 64-bit itGPFs15:33.01 
  Which of course results in a 0 byte output file, because the file is opened, but before anything is written to it the program crashes15:33.21 
  My guess is its this commit that fixed it:15:34.19 
  Depending what you are trying to do you can use -dFirstPage and -DLastPage instead to produce a range of pages. Not ideal if you want many discontiuous pages because you would have to run the process multiple times.15:35.22 
  FWIW I believe this should be fixed in the forthcoming 9.26 release15:35.35 
  Oh the other solution of course is to always include the final page, then throw away that output file if you don't want it15:54.59 
spaceguns1 @kens thanks much! I am just glad I wasn't crazy on this issue. I will play around with it later and see if I can get it to work with what I am trying to do/change my code flow on a thing if needed. The samples are 2x files, but I will be working on 100+ page files for this, hoping to process 1x page at a time, do what I need to with it, then delete the png to keep diskspace free. Appreciate you testing the code/test files 16:43.13 
  to confirm the issue16:43.13 
kens NP If you only want one page, then you can use FirstPage and LastPage to do the same thing16:43.47 
spaceguns1 will test it out really quick16:44.07 
  this line look right? Still getting 0byte output files16:47.10 
  gswin64c -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sBATCH -sNOPAUSE -dBackgroundColor=16#ffffff -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=nmi_output.png nmi.pdf16:47.11 
kens Should be, just a moment16:47.26 
  Nah that's crashing on the 9.25 code the same way16:48.32 
  Don't you get the GPF notification ?16:48.46 
spaceguns1 no, not at my command line run16:49.07 
kens Strange....16:49.22 
spaceguns1 apologies if I should be able to better debug, fairly new at gs16:49.23 
kens Not debugging, just that windows normally pops up and says the applicatin encountered an error....16:49.53 
  Looks like its the same problem as with the PageList16:50.04 
  Well, or something anyway....16:50.25 
  If I try producing alll the pages it doesn't work either.16:50.46 
  You'll either need to wait for 9.26 or build GS form source yourself I'm afraid16:51.01 
spaceguns1 no error feedback on my end for this one. I can take "broken will likely be fixed in 9.26" as an answer for now. Maybe find an assist with someone who can help me build from source. Thanks for the time looking into this with me16:51.37 
kens You're on WIndows right ?16:51.54 
spaceguns1 yes16:52.07 
kens You need Visuald Studio, the community edition ios a free (but large download)16:52.21 
  Then you clone our git repository from here:16:52.42 
  open the solution file and select build16:52.51 
  You can also try the release candidate binaries16:52.59 
  If I can remember where they are....16:53.08 
spaceguns1 lol thank you. I will try that out later this afternoon and report back if I make progress on this16:53.27 
kens RC1 binaries are ehere:16:54.06 
  Got to go cook dinner, best of luck16:55.41 
spaceguns1 That 9.26 update seems to have done the trick. Will run more extensive testing later. Thanks @kens22:07.16 
  Should I punch in a bug report somewhere or are we good to go with 9.26 already addressing the issue?22:08.15 
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