Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/12/14)20181215 
Robin_Watts wilbo: For the logs, yes this is the right place.00:12.12 
  1200 dpi is high.00:12.41 
  And I suspect a large amount of the time for that device is in the error diffusion, which isn't helped by render threads.00:13.20 
  Try using pbmraw as a device instead and see if that's faster.00:14.07 
wilbo_ Hi Robin thank you for your assistance. PBMRAW ? Never heard before, its a part of Ghostscript or an own Softwarepackage? 13:17.17 
  i want to render this in the shortest time... which CPU / RAM Set do you prefer/recommend ?13:19.41 
kens The more memory you have, the bigger the fiel you can render in memory. If you have to go to disk then it will beslower.13:59.56 
  We still haevn't seen your source file, oso its rather hard to comment. I'm not sure if you;ve mentioned which version of GS you are using.14:00.25 
  As I recall your command line, you are using tiffscaled, but not setting a down scale factor, you might do better by using a regular tiff output device (maybe)14:00.53 
Robin_Watts wilbo: pbmraw produces .pbm files.14:19.54 
  They are a well documented format that can easily be converted by most tools into whatever output you need.14:20.20 
  pbmraw files from gs will be produced with halftoning, rather than error diffusion as tiffscaled produces.14:20.42 
  So the quality may be lower, but not hugely so.14:21.04 
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