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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/01/21)20190122 
lorfds i have some pcl files that when i print them, print correclty on the page05:59.09 
  but when i try to send those files to gpcl6, for pdf creation, the data runs off the page05:59.24 
  the first thing id like to do is make the page huge05:59.32 
  so everything 05:59.38 
  "must" fit on it05:59.42 
  is there a way to do this?05:59.53 
chrisl lorfds: -g<W>x<H> (where <W> and <H> are in pixels) force the output dimensions to that size09:09.19 
  lorfds: You could also use the bbox device to find the dimensions of the page markings09:09.54 
  kens: Morning - feeling any better?10:03.23 
kens Slightly, but I probably won't be here all day10:03.40 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/01/23)>>> 
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