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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/01/23)20190124 
sebras can I ask for a review of http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=ed0d754ad3f7dd222dfa66f016d68308b80bd1c8 please?03:17.08 
challenger Hi!06:55.34 
chrisl sebras: LGTM (ed0d754ad3 that is)08:47.57 
JoshG Hey13:47.22 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.13:47.22 
JoshG I am having some issues with a command I wrote before that worked but after updating ghostscript to 9.26 no longer works correctly13:50.16 
kens What command, what issues ?13:51.16 
JoshG gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=out.pdf -c "<< /BeginPage { 2 mod 1 eq {13 -10 translate} {50 rotate} ifelse } >> setpagedevice" -f in.pdf13:51.25 
  It is meant to translate even and odd pages differently13:51.46 
  I have replace the one translate with a rotate to make it more clear what is happening but it looks like the rotate happens on every page13:52.21 
  It seems the beginpage is passing 0 every page instead of the number of times it has run13:53.23 
kens I don't believe that command will work with PDF input. I'm doubtful it ever would have worked. The reason is that teh PDF interpreter issues a setpaegdevice call at the start of every page, in order to set the media size. One of the actions of setpagedevice is to reset the page number. So *every * page is the first page.13:53.36 
JoshG thats strange. It was written in 2015-2016 and it has worked since then (no package updates till now)13:54.59 
kens The PDF interpreter has worked that way for a long time, but its possible the package maintainer changed something in what they shipped. You would have to take this up with the package maintainer, not us.13:56.02 
  Possibly you were on a very old version before, I wouldn't know.13:56.14 
JoshG Is there another option for changing every other page?13:57.22 
kens You would have to track the page numering yourself13:57.49 
JoshG I am not to familiar with postscript. could you point me in the right direction?14:00.26 
kens You need to create a dictionary of youw own in userdict, eg "userdict begin /MyDict 5 dict def end"14:02.04 
  "userdict /MyDict get /Initial 0 put"14:02.36 
JoshG Thanks. I will do some reading and see if I can figure it out14:03.29 
kens Then at each BeginPage: "userdict /MyDict dup get /Initial get 1 add /Initial exch def"14:03.44 
  That (should) increment /Initial on every call to BeginPage.14:04.05 
  You can then use the value of /Initial to determine what page you are on.14:04.18 
  I'd write more of it, but I'm in the middle of debugging a problem14:04.51 
JoshG Thanks so much14:08.05 
kens NP if you get stuck come back14:08.23 
  You could also check Stack Overflow I may have an answer or two there which might help14:08.52 
JoshG This ended up working. Thanks for the help "<< /CurrPageNum 1 def /Install { /CurrPageNum CurrPageNum 1 add def CurrPageNum 2 mod 1 eq {13 -10 translate} {0 -10 translate} ifelse } bind >> setpagedevice"15:13.39 
kens JoshG glad it worked congrats on your PostScript skillz :-)15:15.12 
JoshG I have done work in a lot of languages but postscript sure is different15:16.41 
andyrtr hi all. how will you deal with CVE-2019-6116 - the mentioned patches don't apply cleanly to 9.26 release. Debian announces 9.26a as new upstream release that's can't find at your pages.17:10.38 
chrisl andyrtr: You can get a patch against 9.26 here: https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/tag/gs92617:12.47 
andyrtr thanks, found it.17:14.29 
sebras chrisl: thanks.17:50.53 
taviso chrisl: thanks again for all the work on the update, that was a tough one.22:10.09 
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