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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/03/09)20190310 
i3v Greetings14:56.08 
  I'm looking for a way to convert the ColorSpace for text from "DeviceGray" to "DeviceCMYK" (say, simply 100% K). I've played with the examples mentioned in https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.26/GS9_Color_Management.pdf , including "-sSourceObjectICC". The examples do not cover "Text GRAY" case (only RGB and CMYK), but the docs say "user can also specify Graphic GRAY, Image GRAY and Text GRAY objects". AFAIU, what I need is "Text_GRAY"14:56.11 
  OK, I add one line, "Text_GRAYdefault_gray.icc010" to the default "objsrc_profiles_example.txt" and apply it to this minimal pdf: https://www.overleaf.com/read/ygvgbxsffpcb . 14:56.19 
  >> gswin64c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK -sColorConversionStrategyForImages=CMYK -sSourceObjectICC=objsrc_v2.txt -sOutputFile=out.pdf inp.pdf14:56.30 
  However, in the output pdf, text is still "DeviceGray". 14:56.45 
  If I do have original tex code, I simply add `\usepackage[cmyk]{xcolor}` and the text would be "DeviceCMYK" : https://www.overleaf.com/read/qzjfjbqgqdrs . 14:56.51 
  I've also tried to play with "dDeviceGrayToK=true/false", without much luck.14:58.00 
  Any idea what am I doing wrong? The gs version is 9.26.14:58.10 
mrd0ll4r hello amazing gs people! I'm seeing some weird behaviour when intersecting a bunch of half-transparent curves with themselves. Specifically, on a white background with curves that are gray with low opacity, where they overlap are brighter areas visible. The files are gigantic, unfortunately, but I uploaded them to github here: https://github.com/mrd0ll4r/gsissue19:53.33 
  ghostscript version is 9.26, official from debian or ubuntu repo, not sure where i rasterized this19:55.03 
  and this is the command line: gs -sstdout=%stderr -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNumRenderingThreads=4 -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=0 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dSCANCONVERTERTYPE=0 -r1200x1200 -sOutputFile=$target -f $file19:55.52 
  I'll be idling in here :)19:56.41 
mfwitten The mailing-list archive for `gs-devel' is not being updated: https://ghostscript.com/pipermail/gs-devel/21:57.52 
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