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mrd0ll4r aha!09:08.56 
  I added a reproducer pdf with just ten lines to the git09:11.29 
  what happens is: when the curve intersects itself, it doesn't paint over itself again, i.e. there's not two strokes of half-transparent gray, but just the one09:12.00 
  but when it intersects the other curves, it does overpaint them09:12.07 
kens mrd0ll4r: I should warn you; I tried two other independent PDF rendering engines yesterday, and all of tehm rendered the lines you pointed out.09:12.08 
  I believe what you see is correct, but it'll haev to wait until this afternoon to be sure.09:12.29 
mrd0ll4r alright alright :D I'm not bug hunting09:12.38 
kens Each operation is atomic in PDF, if an object self-intersects it is drawn as opaque throughtout. The result is then blended with the underlygin canvas09:13.00 
mrd0ll4r as an idea to fix this: I guess I could split the curves somewhere in the bottom so at the intersection it's different curves, never the same ones with themselves?09:13.12 
  hmm i see09:13.20 
kens Objects can be 'grouped' and then each object in the group is drawn opaque, and teh result of the entire group blended with the underlyign canvas09:13.49 
  Groups can be nested etc.09:13.57 
  But I don'tbelieve that the graphcis model blends a self-intersecting object with itself09:14.27 
mrd0ll4r I see I see09:14.36 
kens Yes I see what you mean from the PDF file09:16.26 
mrd0ll4r alright yeah, I just split the curves into their segments, and now it works according to what I expected09:16.36 
kens I'll check with the US engineers this afternoon, this isn't my area really09:16.49 
  Nice job on r4eproducing it BTW09:17.29 
mrd0ll4r :)09:29.21 
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