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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/03/12)20190313 
i3v kens, thanks for the reply!19:05.57 
  > you can't do that with pdfwrite19:06.04 
  OK, but, if so... What would be a valid use case for Text_GRAY (in sSourceObjectICC)? 19:06.10 
  > I can't see any reason you would want to19:06.20 
  Many printing services say that they want CMYK pdfs. AFAIU, what they actually mean is "no RGB". But who knows. To be 100% sure, I wanted to make pdf "just CMYK". There's a latex template, using `\xcolor[cmyk]{...}` "for compatibility with printing services requiring CMYK". I don't like this, cause I want to use RGB colors in my tex code and `\xcolor` seem to use quite approximate conversion formulas (see http://mirror.macomnet.net19:06.34 
  > You can change all colour uage by setting the ColorConversionStrategy, but there's no way to modify j 19:06.45 
  Sorry... I'm not sure I understood the last part correctly. Do you mean "K" (cmyK)?19:06.53 
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