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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/03/14)20190315 
kens i3v yes you're probably correct I was writing that form memory. You can also use -dColorConversionStrategy=/DeviceCMYK, which is a little confusing.12:26.53 
  Hmm I think that when converting DeviceGray to CMYK, we just don't. Because Grey can be completely mapped to K.12:27.51 
  So that's a special case, if you do DeviceGray text (or any object) then the output PDF file will contain a DeviceGray object.12:28.28 
  But you did say you were working with RGB12:28.36 
  Of course, if you do DeviceIndependentColor then we do map the components into an ICC space.12:29.31 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/03/16)>>> 
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