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i3v kens,18:48.01 
  1) 18:48.06 
  > But you did say you were working with RGB18:48.11 
  RGB was an example that works fine. My actual intention was to convert _everything_ to CMYK.18:48.16 
  > You can also use -dColorConversionStrategy=/DeviceCMYK, which is a little confusing.18:48.26 
  Hm... The following command does not seem to convert anything either:18:48.34 
  gswin64c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dColorConversionStrategy=/DeviceCMYK -dColorConversionStrategyForImages=/DeviceCMYK -sOutputFile=%1_v13.pdf %1.pdf18:48.40 
  The following version do work (just like the version, based on `-sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK`):18:48.47 
  gswin64c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dColorConversionStrategy=/CMYK -dColorConversionStrategyForImages=/CMYK -sOutputFile=%1_v14.pdf %1.pdf18:48.52 
  AFAIU `/DeviceCMYK` could only be used as `-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK`. But, according to note6 ( https://ghostscript.com/doc/9.26/VectorDevices.htm#note_6 ) it is not necessary to set it in up-to-date gs versions. 18:49.06 
  And if set, it seem to not do anything by itself, without `-sColorConversionStrategy`.18:49.20 
  3) 18:49.24 
  > I think that when converting DeviceGray to CMYK, we just don't. Because Grey can be completely mapped to K.18:49.30 
  Yep, that's what I'm talking about... I'd say "can be completely mapped to K" should not prevent the conversion from happening...18:49.38 
  I do agree that such a conversion does not make much sense from the theoretical point of view. But, formally, "DeviceGray" is not "CMYK", so print service still might say "we told you we require CMYK". 18:49.45 
  Some people say that some print services do not accept RGB even if user says "I do not care about color exactness". This does not make sense for me either. But people say that some printing services do act like this.18:49.52 
  > Of course, if you do DeviceIndependentColor then we do map the components into an ICC space.18:49.58 
  The `DeviceIndependentColors` works fine, theoretically - this way, `DeviceGray` is converted to `ICCBasedGray` and `DeviceRGB` is converted to `ICCBasedRGB`.18:50.17 
  But I'm just not sure if it's possible that some print service would say "see, there's `RGB` and `Gray` words here, we told you we require CMYK". And it might be difficult for a user to explain them that this is ICCBased and that this should be OK.18:50.42 
  And it might be difficult to explain to this user, that the latex template and the following gs command is OK, just the printing service is weird.18:50.52 
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