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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/03/20)20190321 
andyrtr hi, how should we deal with CVE-2019-3835 & CVE-2019-3838 - will there be another patch to apply to 9.26 or will you release 9.27 immediatly? I've seen the tag about some testing release.17:00.27 
kens We are in testing for the release of 9.2717:00.59 
  That will be the next relesae17:01.17 
  How you deal with CVE's (presuming you are not a commercial customer) is entirely up to you, the source is, after all, open.17:01.37 
andyrtr as expected the patches from master do not apply to 9.26 release. last time you've released a special patch to apply to the last stable release. this would be helpful until 9.27 is out.17:10.26 
kens Not happening17:13.06 
  Testing a special patched version of 9.26 would take as long as releasing 9.2717:13.25 
andyrtr waiting for 9.27 release then17:17.06 
chrisl We're working on it......17:17.32 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/03/22)>>> 
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