Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/04/04)20190405 
Bhsu Hi Friends, I am new to this forum. I am encounter an technical difficulty. I am working on an academic project, for which we need to strip data from an old insurance pricing portal. It is a 16 bit proprietary software under DOS. Now I can run the software fine within Dosbox, which is an emulator. The difficulty is that, we need to electronically save the pricing result from the software, and it's gonna be a lot. Also, as far as I 02:29.54 
kens Bhsu we would need to know a great deal more about your project. The main things are waht the input format is (I'm assuming PostScript), how you would identify the 'pricing' and how consistent the input is going to be. It is pretty much inconceivable that what you want would be possible 'out of the box' with Ghostscript, I would imagine you would need a custom device (somewhat akin to the existing txtwrite device which would pr07:10.15 
  obably make a good basis for further investigation), so there is going to be a development cost on your end. In order to assist you with the development we would need access to sample input data, there isn't much more I can say without seeing an example and being told what it is you expect to get out.07:10.15 
chrisl I would assume that, as it's an old DOS program, it'll expect to talk directly to the printer, rather than route printing through the Windows print queue, so a normal port monitor won't work.07:36.51 
ray_laptop NancyDur_ commented yesterday about this (on our private IRC) that she thinks it is possible to get the printer data back into windows, but at kens wrote, whether or not Ghostscript or GhostPCL can help process the data depends on what type of data is being written to the printer (PS or PCL, or ???)18:30.37 
  the app may even support a "dumb" printer that just takes ASCII, so all that needs to be done is to capture the data. According to google capturing data from COM: ports is fairly easy, but from parallel (LPT:) ports, it may need a special version of dosbox or a "helper" program18:32.34 
  (this was for Bhsu in case he checks the logs)18:33.15 
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