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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/04/09)20190410 
skolli Hi I am new here and new to GS as well, we got a situation when we convert multiple ps files into pdf's, on a peak load (like 100+ requests at the same time) cpu is clocking at 100% and some processes are not exiting. I see a bug in 9.10 for gswin32c.exe (https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=695092). But we are using 9.24 64bit. It happens only on huge traffic, rest of the days it works fine, any help would be apprec05:27.16 
  iated. 05:27.16 
Robin_Watts skolli: Well, our first piece of advice would be to try 9.2711:04.17 
skolli Thanks @Robin_Watts for the response. So any limitations/bugs that are existed in 9.24? I need to convince my team, update might solve the problem. 17:49.13 
hi help20:40.04 
  can anyone help us on ghostscript warning that i am getting20:40.36 
hi_ hep20:45.42 
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