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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/04/15)20190416 
i3v kens2 : sorry to bother you again... have you noticed my messages from https://ghostscript.com/irclogs/2019/04/12.html 19:44 ? Do you agree that output icc profile cannot be set for RGB->CMYK conversion?13:55.07 
  if "23 0" is the answer, I do not understand it.13:55.12 
kens2 23 0 was a typo (wrong window while typing). You need to talk to Michael about the general ICC workkflow, not me, as I already said.13:56.08 
  He is currently at the OpenPrinting Summit at Lexmark so I don't think he'll b be saying anything here today13:57.32 
i3v OK, many thanks for all your answers! I think I'll use his email that I see via the bugzilla, cause AFAIU, he is not reading this...14:01.16 
kens2 We'd rather you didn't contact engineers by email14:01.34 
i3v oh...OK14:01.50 
kens2 I'll point him at the conversation when he's back at his desk, which is not likely to be for a few days14:01.52 
i3v Great, thanks!14:02.02 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/04/17)>>> 
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