Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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kens lisbeths (for the logs) THat is not the Ghostscript manual, its a mnual of geometry, using PostScript as an illustration of its points. PostScript is a programming language, Ghostscript is an interpreter of the PostScript language.06:56.50 
  If you have specific questions we will try to answer them, but your question is much too general. Without some page numbers (reading all of charpter 2 is a tl;dr exercise) I can't look at the area that is troubling you.06:59.26 
lisbeths What is the word for swap in ghostscript?14:16.29 
kens Possibly swap, I can't possibly tell without more context14:16.54 
lisbeths I want to switch the top two items on the stack14:17.24 
kens OK so that's *PostScript*, not Ghostscript. PostScript is a programming language, Ghostscript is an interpreter of the language14:17.53 
lisbeths so do you not support programs written in ghostscript in this channel?14:18.18 
kens If you wan tto program in PostScript you'll need a copy of the PostScript Language Reference Manual which you can doewnload from teh Adobe web site.14:18.23 
  No, we support languages written in PostScript.14:18.31 
  The answer is that to switch the order of the top two operands on the stack, you use 'exch'14:18.53 
lisbeths ah i was wondering about that14:19.04 
  thank you14:19.05 
  by the way14:19.28 
  I want to turn you guys onto a linux program called rlwrap14:19.38 
kens Excuse me, I mean we support programs written in PostScript of cousrse.14:19.44 
  But we are not a PostScript tutorial14:19.44 
lisbeths If I type: rlwrap ghostscript into the terminal it will give you some extra keybinds for example the up arrow will bring you to the last command you typed. RLrwap is made specifically for interpreters like ghostscript that don't have all of the standard shell/command prompt keybinds in them14:20.41 
  In this manual: https://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/graphics/manual/pdf/ch4.pdf on page 9 they define the function transform-line and they seem to have 4 local variables however they only use 1 dict begin. As far as I know that should be 5 dict begin16:44.12 
  ITs probably a typo no worries17:39.15 
kens lisbeths in langauage level 2 or better dictionaries can grow in size, they are not fixed.18:34.33 
  1 dict begin simply starts a new dictionary which initially has 1 element (you aren't permitted to have 0 sized dictionaries)18:35.12 
mikeymop Can anyone help me with python ghostcript? I swear I had this working and cant find the version I had that broke it. I am trying to use python to call ghostscript and split a pdf to a given directory22:24.08 
  this is what i have now, it takes one arg, a pdf22:24.32 
  I want the same thing as the command line level `-o ./out/`22:24.55 
  however, it appears to either execute correctly and I find the files are not on the filesystem or I try `-sOutputFile=` and it crashes22:25.36 
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