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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/04/22)20190423 
ator mikeymop: why not just call it with args = [ "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-o", "out/page_%03d.pdf" ] ?07:00.15 
  , "input.pdf" ]07:00.59 
kens doesn't speak Python, not a Parseltongue07:01.37 
ator though I can't recommend using gs this way to split a PDF, kens can tell you in much more detail why it's a bad idea07:02.10 
kens :-)07:02.21 
lisbeths when I open ghostscript on the mac it doesn't open the grahics window16:11.42 
  I am thinking maybe I can just export it to pdf over and over16:19.23 
kens lisbeths your probably don't have x support built in to your Ghostscript executable18:13.46 
  Without that you have no display device18:13.54 
lisbeths we added x support as per what apple.com said to do to add text support and then tested it with the x applicaiton feh20:16.21 
  I am basically writing a ghostscript wizard that makes it very easy to convert it to pdf really fast and open it rather htan using the graphics window20:16.48 
  but I wonder: is there a way to run a shell command from within ghostscript20:16.54 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/04/24)>>> 
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