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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/05/14)20190515 
tkamppeter_ Hi, I have a MuPDF question, is turning PDF into PostScript with "mutool ... -Fps ..." reliable? I am asking because back in 2016 we used the detour PDF --mutool--> PWG Raster --rastertops--> PostScript in cups-filters. I am thinking about cleaning this up.19:10.08 
  Hi, I have a MuPDF question, is turning PDF into PostScript with "mutool ... -Fps ..." reliable? I am asking because back in 2016 we used the detour PDF --mutool--> PWG Raster --rastertops--> PostScript in cups-filters. I am thinking about cleaning this up.19:19.15 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter_: Urm... it's not a heavily used route, certainly. Let me check.19:41.38 
  Yes, that should be reliable.19:43.14 
tkamppeter_ Robin_Watts, thanks, then I will simplify this in a later release of cups-filters.19:43.48 
Robin_Watts Cool. Let us know how you get on.19:43.59 
tkamppeter_ I have also found some bugs in mutool, one being that the "-crgb" output makes white areas coming out black, the file CityMap.pdf (you should have it in your test file repositories) does not work at all with mutool, and when not using the -o option to get output to stdout, the output file has zero pages.19:46.13 
  mvrhel_laptop, you probably know how reliable the PostScript output of mutool is (for PDF -> PS conversion)?19:47.13 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter_: I find "does not work at all" unlikely, as we test with mutool in our regression tests, including that file.19:48.06 
  Can you give me an exact command line that fails please?19:48.30 
tkamppeter_ /usr/bin/mutool drawh)L -smtf -Fps -r600x600 -w4958 -h7008 -cgray -oout.ps ~/ghostscript/testfiles/CityMap.pdf19:49.17 
  Error is: Cannot convert between incompatible pixmaps19:50.06 
  out.ps is an empty, black page in landscape orientation.19:50.54 
Robin_Watts What version of mupdf are you using?19:51.55 
tkamppeter_ 1.1419:52.02 
  Problem also happens with "-Fpwg".19:52.38 
Robin_Watts 1.15 is out.19:52.48 
  It solves many problems with spot color conversions.19:52.58 
  and it works just fine here.19:53.03 
tkamppeter_ OK, I will try it.19:53.15 
Robin_Watts cool. Let us know how you get on.19:53.26 
tkamppeter_ Robin_Watts, thank you very much, 1.15 solved the issues with -crgp and with CityMap.pdf. Only remaining issue is with output to stdout not working.20:43.30 
Robin_Watts ok... You're using -o - ?20:43.51 
tkamppeter_ Robin_Watts, testfiles used are CityMap.pdf and launch_leaflet.pdf.20:44.50 
Robin_Watts platform/win32/Debug/mutool.exe draw -smtf -Fps -r600 -cgray -o - ../tests/pdf/Bug6901014_CityMap.pdf > out.ps20:45.29 
  That works for me.20:45.33 
tkamppeter_ All working for me, too, also in different color spaces (rgb, cmyk, gray). I have added a hint to use at least 1.15 of MuPDF to the README file of cups-filters.20:50.20 
  No, did not use -o -, will try.20:50.48 
  Yes, with "-o-" it works. Thank you.20:52.20 
  OK, then I can improve the filters appropriately, less temp files and no PWG Raster detour for PostScript output any more.20:53.22 
  Was PostScript output only added after the summer of 2016?20:53.43 
  You should mention in the man page that the -o option is required, with "-" in case of stdout, or make stdout the default (actually working) if -o is omitted.20:55.18 
Robin_Watts Ta. Will look into that.20:56.47 
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