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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/08)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/10) >>>20190609 
ldiamond Anyone here have an idea why I get this error from ps2pdf "DEBUG: FC_WEIGHT didn't match"16:30.11 
  I'm guessing this is related to ghostscript16:30.30 
  I get that when converting a .ps file generated with `enscript` and setting a custom font.16:30.56 
  My goal is to print a text file using a different font (OCRA)16:31.21 
camelopard ldiamond: This is a debug message that can be ignored. It is produced by FontConfig that enumerates fonts and explains why some of the fonts are rejected.16:42.06 
ldiamond The output file does not use the right font though16:42.59 
camelopard Do you have this font anywhere on your system?16:43.46 
ldiamond yes, I placed it in /usr/share/enscript/afm/OCRA.afm, added it in the font.map, added it to ~/.fonts/ as well as /usr/share/fonts/TTF/OCRA.ttf just to be sure16:44.46 
  fc-list shows all of them (except for the enscript one)16:45.06 
  my understanding is that enscript doesnt use fontconfig16:45.19 
camelopard AFAIK enscript just generates PostScript files. Please check whether Ghostscript can find this font.16:48.37 
ldiamond yes it's a postscript file that's generated. How do I check if Ghostscript can find it?16:49.25 
  I thought ghostscript used fontconfig16:49.36 
  $ fc-match OCRA16:49.41 
  OCRA.otf: "OCRA" "Regular"16:49.43 
camelopard gs -c /FOO findfont16:49.59 
  gs -c /OCRA findfont16:50.20 
ldiamond Loading OCRA font from /home/ldiamond/.fonts/OCRA.otf... 4456072 2768357 6108924 4744828 1 done.16:51.04 
camelopard OK, Ghostscript can find this font. Now we need to figure out what font your file is trying to load.16:52.49 
ldiamond I piped my postscript file to that gs command you gave me16:53.28 
  I see this, Loading OCRA font from /home/ldiamond/.fonts/OCRA.otf... 4456072 2768357 6108924 4744828 1 done.16:53.47 
  followed by a bunch of GS<> stuff but then : Substituting font Courier for HF-gs-font.16:54.14 
  and Loading NimbusMonoPS-Regular font from /usr/share/ghostscript/9.27/Resource/Font/NimbusMonoPS-Regular... 4550016 3040058 6189724 4828841 1 done.16:54.32 
camelopard Your file is trying to use "HF-gs-font".16:55.49 
ldiamond here's what's generated by enscript: http://ix.io/1LkU16:59.22 
camelopard OK16:59.32 
ldiamond it does include `/HF /HF-gs-font findfont [HFpt_w 0 0 HFpt_h 0 0] makefont def` but also a reference to OCRA17:02.48 
camelopard Yes, the file looks fine. Where can I get the OCRA font?17:09.08 
ldiamond I first googled it and found a copy, but the copy I use right now is from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ocr-fonts/17:11.19 
  more specifically https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.jp/tsukurimashou/56948/ocr-0.2.zip17:11.47 
  it contains .afm .ttf etc17:13.17 
camelopard ldiamond: Everything works for me when OCRA is available.19:57.07 
  ldiamond: I used PFB font from this distribution and had to fix a bug there.19:59.06 
  I decoded the PFB and changed s/##FORCE_BOLD##/false/20:01.49 
HiddenCloud Hello, I have a question about the implementation of reference counting22:04.00 
  not related to ghost script per se22:04.13 
  regarding the need for type information22:04.32 
camelopard HiddenCloud: What question?23:30.36 
HiddenCloud about implementing a reference count algorithm in a jvm implementation. I went full barebone on the object model without storing type information, now I realise this will cause premature frees if an object field looks like a pointer, is there a custom rc implementation that can work without type information?23:31.10 
  its a jvm for an embedded platform23:31.34 
  i didnt want long pause times + i went barebone object model for memory savings23:31.54 
  its for a school project23:32.00 
camelopard You cannot distinguish a pointer from a number by the content in C. I don't know Java.23:40.28 
HiddenCloud yes, what I was thinking was to use some elements of the mark-sweep algorithm23:41.31 
  as it's a conservative gc algorithm23:41.40 
  means if it finds a value that looks like a pointer23:41.48 
  it wont collect that pointer and assume it to be a live reference23:41.55 
  my rc implementation currently assumes its a pointer and can do a premature free23:42.33 
  first i thought deferred reference counting will solve it as it scans the stack23:42.50 
  but fields remain part of an object and those remain still a problem23:43.10 
  java only differentiates between primitives and objects23:43.58 
  i dont think using mark sweep is much of an option tho23:45.46 
  cause its fundamentally different from reference counting23:45.59 
  combining it will just be double work23:46.04 
camelopard Why not add a data descriptor? Ghostscript does this.23:53.14 
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