Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/10)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/12) >>>20190611 
JulianDel Good day, folks09:12.33 
  Anyone awake?09:12.39 
kens If you have a question, just ask09:13.11 
JulianDel Oh, ok.09:13.17 
  Well, I have not used Ghostscript before. I'm using Windows. Have installed it. I run gswin64c.exe09:13.35 
  I am attempting to convert a .PS file to a .PDF09:13.44 
  but no matter what I do it seems to refuse to work09:13.54 
kens Refuses how ?09:14.02 
JulianDel "Error: /undefined"09:14.21 
kens And the rest of the error message ?09:14.37 
JulianDel I am trying like this:09:14.47 
  ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE#a4 in.ps out.pdf09:14.49 
kens I wouldn't use ps2pdf, invoke Ghostscript directly.:09:15.26 
  gswin64c -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf input.ps09:15.26 
JulianDel let me try. Thank you09:15.45 
kens But the rest of that error messagwe is important09:15.48 
JulianDel I pasted it here: https://pastebin.com/6QdZtijm09:15.59 
kens LOL09:16.09 
JulianDel ?09:16.22 
kens You are trying to run a Windows command script from the Ghostscript interactive prompt, that won't work :-)09:16.33 
JulianDel o-oh09:16.39 
  I tried using 'gs' in CMD.exe09:16.55 
  but it doesn't get recognized09:17.01 
kens Yeah that's the Windows shell09:17.04 
  If you haven't added the Ghostscript installation path to your $PATH environment variable then you can't just type 'gswin64c' from the command line. And note that on Windows hte executable isn't called gs, its called gswin64c or gswin64 (for 64-bit installs) or gswin32 gswin32c for 32-bit installs09:18.15 
JulianDel yeah it's 64-bit09:18.42 
  I will work with this some more. Thank you very VERY much for your assistance Ken09:18.55 
kens The 'c' denotes the command shell variant, if you run (eg) gswin64 then you get the Windowed executable which supports drag and drop09:19.09 
JulianDel ok09:19.19 
  thank you :)09:19.21 
kens JulianDel: come back when you have more questions09:19.22 
JulianDel ok!09:19.25 
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