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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/18)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/20) >>>20190619 
Brenkuu Good morning gentleman07:11.55 
kens Ah, back again :-)07:12.04 
Brenkuu *gentlemen07:12.05 
  Yes, and I have a question for you..07:12.14 
kens You've got 2 hours then I'm out for a bit07:12.28 
Brenkuu no problem :)07:12.36 
  So this same file over and over we've been testing with. It has 3 fonts it says in the PS. But during conversion, it converts 4 fonts.07:12.47 
kens PostScript is a programming language, the only way to be sure how many fonts it is using is to interpret the program code. relying on comments is not guaranteed07:13.35 
Brenkuu So I have forced the TTF for courier, ArialMT and boldMT07:13.35 
  Because the issue is when we see these gaps with the I in the converted documents, it say 'Helvetica' when we look at them07:14.17 
  So somehow, Helvetica is being used. Is that NimbusSans-Regular?07:14.27 
kens Umm possibly, let me look07:14.36 
  Yes, if you look in fontmap.GS you can see the substitution there07:15.49 
  "/Helvetica/NimbusSans-Regular ;"07:16.07 
Brenkuu one moment07:16.07 
  Thank you07:17.06 
kens Be aware that Helvetica is the default font, so it can be loaded even if it isn't used.07:17.19 
Brenkuu Well we see it being used because if we look at the font in the PDF, it says helvetica07:17.43 
  let me investi-mi-gate a little more07:17.52 
kens OK then it is being used....07:18.00 
Brenkuu Let's say I have a new folder with a bunch of fonts. Can I tell it via commandline, to only check that directory for the fonts? 07:38.31 
  Instead of using the ENV variable07:38.38 
  For testing07:38.46 
  I tried using the -I "C:\newfonts"07:39.16 
  but it didn't work07:39.20 
kens Ghostscript will (I believe, its not my field) check everywhere its been told to when lokoing for fonts. So that's the GS_FONTPATH environment variable, anything in -I, the ROm file system etc.07:41.31 
  I can't remember the precedence, it might be in the documentation, there's a section on 'How Ghostscritp finds fonts'07:42.07 
  Using -I won't do anything with fonts unless thre's a fontmap.GS i the folder though07:42.27 
Brenkuu ok, that is what I wondered about the -I07:42.40 
chrisl You can set -sFONTPATH= on the command line07:42.58 
Brenkuu let me try, thanks07:44.35 
chrisl That will just have the same effect as setting GS_FONTPATH in the environment07:45.34 
Brenkuu That is what I was looking for ;)07:45.42 
  * :)07:45.45 
  In this folder: C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.26\Resource\Font10:11.07 
  What format are those fonts? There are no file extensions. So I'm curious10:11.18 
  if I label it as .ttf for example, it won't let me preview.10:11.34 
chrisl They're Type 110:12.15 
Brenkuu So, after testing this a lot.. 10:17.05 
  I see that when I force nimbus (courier) vs. nimbus (helvetica), the courier works. helvetica consistently puts a weird space, anywhere there is the letter 'i' or 'I'10:17.43 
chrisl So, the Postscript selects Helvetica, but it's used the metrics from Courier for the glyph spacing. That's kind of bad10:19.27 
Brenkuu Where is that issue caused?10:19.47 
chrisl It's whatever generated the Postscript10:20.07 
Brenkuu It's so weird that when we use the nimbus (courier) everything looks like it should. It's just.. we don't use courier.10:20.11 
  hmm, ok. 10:20.20 
chrisl Again, I'm very much guessing10:21.29 
  But Courier's "I" is considerably wider than Helvetica's10:22.27 
Brenkuu Any reasoning why if I use other similar fonts, only like 1 of the letters in the word shows up?10:36.43 
  This behaviour is so weird10:36.51 
chrisl Differents encodings, probably10:37.34 
Brenkuu Ok, I have had my fill for the day. I hope you gentlemen have a nice afternoon/evening :)12:24.21 
  take care12:24.23 
EvanProhaska Good morning! I am writing a Powershell script to perform an unattended uninstall and install of latest version of GhostScript but I am having trouble finding if there are any kind of switches available for the installed and uninstaller. I can build the registry information into the script but I want to verify that I can just reverse engineer that by removing the registry entry and deleting the files.16:38.28 
chrisl The installer is based on nsis, so supports the normal nsis options16:41.03 
EvanProhaska ahh perfect. Thanks! That makes it a lot easier!16:44.55 
furras hi guys, anybody have a example of a command line to converte jpg into eps18:06.09 
  i try this "gs-926-linux-x86 -sDEVICE=eps2write -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sOutputFile=xxx.eps xxx.jpg"18:06.53 
  but returns a error18:07.22 
  "Error: /undefined in ÿØÿá*Exif"18:08.14 
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