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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/22)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/24) >>>20190623 
bodqhrohro_ What exactly does -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress? Does it alter DPI and colorspace? I compared `pdfimages -list` before and after, and couldn't see any difference. Does it do anything to builtin PNGs to make them CMYK?17:02.04 
kens bodqhrohro_: the PDFSETTINGS switch loads a huge number ofswitches, around 60 as I recall. They are defined in teh documentatio. If you can't find it look here:20:52.22 
  You can't have a PNG image in a PDF file, PDF doesn't support PNG, it will eb decompressed and stored in some other format. No, noe of the PDFSETTINGS alter the colour model, you need -sColorConversionStrategy for that.20:53.20 
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