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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/26) >>>20190625 
robtow Hoiw can I make a profile to use as in < -sTextICCProfile="my_black_profile.icc"> where <y_black_profile.icc> maps all the colorants to black of the device mode <tiff24nc"?17:19.34 
  Is there a way to create such using Photoshop? Or an open source editor tor icc files?17:21.31 
mvrhel_laptop robtow: You can use this tool 18:27.39 
  you will need to copy a current RGB profile (assuming you are going to RGB output)18:28.06 
  like the sRGB profile18:28.13 
  and then you can export the data. edit the 1-D luts 18:28.34 
  or the matrix18:28.53 
  to get black output always18:29.10 
  import the data18:29.19 
  and save18:29.21 
robtow @mvrhel_laptop Thanks... checking that tool out!19:02.29 
mvrhel_laptop good luck19:02.36 
robtow Hmm... Windows!19:02.51 
  @mvrhel_laptop - That tool worked! I ran it using <wine", under Ubuntu 18.04LTS; I modified the sample <rgb_source_blue.icc" file to put the rXYZ, gXYZ, and bXYZ data points to MediaBlackPoint; and got text objects rendered to always black.21:44.04 
  Thank-you for the tip :-)21:47.43 
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