Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/06/25)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/06/27) >>>20190626 
jo0nas Robin_Watts: Looks interesting the support for a "CAL library added yesterday - can you share more info? If fre software I would like to start preparing its packaging in Debian so it is ready when next Ghostscript gets released06:57.24 
chrisl jo0nas: It's not open source07:06.47 
pjfichet Hello people. I've got an issue since ghostcript 9.27: ps2pdf does not recognizes fonts accordingly. with -dNOSAFE, it's better, but still not perfect. Could someone help me figure where the bug comes from?07:16.14 
kens ps2pdf doesn't "recognise fonts" at all, its nothing more than a script which calls Ghostscript07:16.55 
  If you think you;ve found a problem, then your best bet is to open a bufg report07:17.08 
  include a Ghostscript command line and a file which demonstrates the problem07:17.23 
jo0nas chrisl: ah, too bad. Thanks for clarifying!07:18.10 
chrisl pjfichet: Porbably this: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=c1844f1adbd7e1b215dde46d6211a84af5cea8a407:18.51 
pjfichet I'm not sure wether the problem comes from ghostscript or troff. I usue ps2pdf with -sFONTPATH=/path/to/my/fonts. It was working well with version 9.26, but with 9.27, all the font are apparently replaced by default ones. With -dNOSAFE only some fonts are replaced by default ones.07:20.42 
  chrisl: thank you, I'm trying this patch...07:23.40 
kens pjfichet: note that the switch is called -dNOSAFER, not -dNOSAFE. This is the default, which is why getting it wrong doesn't matter but in future we pplan to change the deault and you will need to get the name right if you want to use it.07:26.58 
pjfichet The patch mentionned above fixes my issue. Thank you all for your help !07:35.35 
chrisl pjfichet: No problem. Sorry for the hassle07:36.06 
pjfichet chrisl: you're welcome !07:37.39 
MORC Hi people11:58.22 
  HELP ME12:03.49 
  -_- 12:04.13 
kens If you have a question ask it.12:04.14 
MORC What are, topic can I ask a question?12:05.05 
kens The topid message should have come to you when you joined this channel12:05.32 
  The topic is 'GhostPDL (Ghostscript, GhostPCL, GhotsXPS) development and discussion12:06.20 
MORC What is being discussed on this channel? Ghostscript12:07.24 
kens GhostPDFL, that includes the entire family of Ghostscript, GhostPCL and GhostXPS12:07.56 
MORC Where you i can read the manual ? on the list of teams gostscript13:07.22 
kens The documentation is available from the Ghostscript web site https://www.ghostscript.com/documentation.html13:08.18 
  I don't know what you mean by 'on list of teams gostscript' There is no 'list of teams'13:09.03 
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