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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/08/21)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/08/23) >>>20190822 
icee Hey everyone. I have a PDF file I want to add a gutter to. There's a suggestion online where you use ghostscript with -dFIXEDMEDIA, -and DEVICEWIDTHPOINT and DEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS to increase the size of a page, and then apply a translation right to the even pages23:46.49 
  But on 9.26, DEVICEWIDTHPOINTS only seems to be able to *decrease* the size of a page / crop it23:47.16 
  I can share my command line. I'm really hopeful for any suggestions23:47.31 
  I have some PDFs that I need to put into kids' binders for a robot club, and they're not holepunch friendly23:47.58 
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