Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/09/04)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/09/06) >>>20190905 
raypc AndreiC: did you need somthing?00:00.00 
AndreiC I'm using Laravel.. I have Imagick installed...00:00.07 
raypc AndreiC: what OS00:00.20 
AndreiC I've installed it and now it changes my port...00:00.24 
  I use xampp Windows 10 64bit PRO00:00.34 
  I'm using*00:00.38 
  it changes my port... from :8000 to :800100:01.00 
raypc huh? what changes your port? 00:01.16 
  port for what?00:01.22 
AndreiC Again I open the file from :8001 to :8002 and so on...00:01.22 
  of my localhost00:01.28 
  I'm using laravel..00:01.34 
raypc forget lavarel. Do you have a command line prompt/window00:02.05 
AndreiC nope.. I don't use that00:02.16 
  I use IMagick...00:02.28 
  and it give me an error, I've searched that error and now I need to install GhostScript00:03.14 
raypc well, we can't help with some PHp framework, nor (really) with imagemagick)00:03.23 
AndreiC ;(00:04.05 
  but the error...00:04.10 
raypc imagemagick usually installs ghostscript (IME), but if it didn't, you can get the Windows install from http://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html00:05.16 
AndreiC I have installed it00:05.40 
  and now it changes my port from n to n+100:05.52 
raypc "it" ?00:06.10 
AndreiC server changes*00:06.32 
raypc ghostscript doesn't user the network directly -- it must be something Lavarel is doing00:06.38 
AndreiC https://hastebin.com/ozosiyidiv.xml00:06.58 
  It works if I don't work with PDFs00:07.08 
  ghostscript work with apache?00:07.35 
raypc Ghostscript "gswin32.exe" or "gswin64.exe" _does_ use two windows -- one for the interactive I/O and one for the image. Maybe (just a WAG) the other port is for the window?00:08.08 
  other window00:08.16 
AndreiC idk00:08.34 
raypc gswin32c (or gswin64c) doesn't use two windows00:08.43 
AndreiC now i'm an idiot00:09.16 
  I don't know what you mean00:09.22 
raypc AndreiC: sorry, but I'm not going to click on "hastebin" links00:09.46 
AndreiC ubuntupin?00:10.02 
raypc sorry, probably couldn't help anyway. I don't have a VM up ATM tp open your link00:13.30 
AndreiC <?php00:14.00 
  namespace App\Http\Controllers;00:14.00 
  use Illuminate\Http\Request;00:14.00 
  use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;00:14.00 
  use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;00:14.00 
  use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;00:14.01 
  use Imagick;00:14.03 
  class CarteController extends Controller00:14.05 
  public function displayCarte(Request $request){00:14.09 
  $imagick = new Imagick();00:14.11 
  $imagick = $imagick->flattenImages();00:14.15 
raypc all gobbledygook -- has NOTHING to do with Ghostscript (sorry for shouting, but go somewhere else for help -- you won't get it here)00:16.36 
  BTW, you should know (just in case) that Ghostscript is licensed under the AGPL which means that Saas applications MUST conform to the AGPL00:17.52 
AndreiC ha?00:18.19 
  I live in Romania bro00:18.25 
raypc and even tough you are invoking imagemagick -- it uses Ghostscript for PDF's00:18.53 
AndreiC again, I live in Romania00:19.09 
raypc AndreiC: too bad youlive there, but your web app is still subject to Copyright and licensing laws00:19.28 
AndreiC isn't so bad00:19.43 
  the best network in the world00:19.55 
  the occident(France, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany) are bad 00:20.19 
raypc we have licensed customers in Romania and others that have taken the care to conform to the license.00:20.53 
AndreiC call the police if you don't want to help me00:20.54 
  i'm waiting00:21.07 
  I use localhost...00:21.42 
raypc I can't help you -- was just mentioning in case you actually have a business that relies on your s/w (or you sell it to some poor unsuspecting comany)00:21.44 
AndreiC I don't have a business...00:22.03 
raypc AGPL personal use is fine 00:22.05 
AndreiC only I want to learn PHP/PDO/Laravel00:22.15 
raypc AGPL doesn't mean you can't use it -- just that you have to conform00:22.33 
AndreiC where I can to conform?00:22.55 
  mr law00:23.08 
raypc AGPL is Affero General Public License. OK for private (or within company) use. Distribution or SaaS web server to outside just requires that you also make your source AGPL/GPL (as is Ghostscript) -- open source. (short form description from non-lawyer)00:25.58 
AndreiC I don't distribute it...00:26.30 
  I work to get experience on it..00:26.41 
raypc it's our way of making open source more widely available00:26.41 
  no problem I just mention it because PHP imples (to me) web server \, i.e. SaaS (SOftware as a Seerevice)00:27.30 
  sorry fo rth etypos00:27.36 
  not my usual kb00:27.51 
AndreiC .kb?00:28.12 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.23:12.37 
AndreiC hi23:12.41 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.23:12.41 
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