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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/09/16)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/09/18) >>>20190917 
rnissl Hi, kens -- looks like there is a regression with rc210:09.47 
kens OK.....10:10.01 
  What ?10:10.03 
rnissl looks like command "switch" @filename doesn't work anylonger10:10.20 
kens Have you added the directory where the 'filename' resides to the reading list ?10:10.49 
rnissl it's current dir10:10.59 
kens I'll have to check this with chrisl, but current directory isn't special10:11.19 
rnissl error message: Unable to open command line file @filename10:11.19 
chrisl It shouldn't need to be added to the list, it's before the permissions are activated10:11.33 
kens Hmm, well I'll have to try it, give me a second.10:11.48 
  It works for me on Windows10:13.28 
  I'll boot up a Linux10:13.40 
rnissl windows is ok10:13.50 
  no need to test linux in my case10:14.01 
kens Hmm, well it worked OK for me, my @file was pretty simple:10:14.37 
  -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE test.pdf10:14.37 
chrisl Works for me on linux10:14.49 
kens Tried the RC2 that works as well for me10:15.03 
  rnissl, so I guess we need to know what the content of the file you are using is, and its name10:15.40 
rnissl gs9.28>.\bin\gswin32c -I.\lib -I.\fonts -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOSAFER -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=.\output.pdf -r600 -dDoNumCopies -dDownsampleColorImages=false -dCompatibilityLevel="1.7" -dDownsampleGrayImages=false -dDownsampleMonoImages=false -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dGrayImageDownsampleType=/Bicubi10:17.15 
  c -dMonoImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dAutoRotatePages=/All -c 3000000 setvmthreshold .setsafe -f @pathNamesUtf8.txt10:17.15 
kens Couldn't you simplify that a little ?10:17.41 
rnissl will do to locate the issue10:17.58 
  gs9.28>.\bin\gswin32c -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=.\output.pdf -c 3000000 setvmthreshold -f @pathNamesUtf8.txt10:22.57 
  the offending part is "-c 3000000 setvmthreshold"10:23.19 
  if I remove that part of the command line, it works10:23.35 
kens I'd put the PostScript code between ""10:23.46 
rnissl gs9.28>.\bin\gswin32c -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=.\output.pdf -c "3000000 setvmthreshold" -f @pathNamesUtf8.txt10:24.41 
  doesn't work either10:24.52 
kens OK sorry I'm in 2 conversations and a Stack Overflow reply at the moment, I'll give it a try in a second10:25.22 
chrisl Oh, yep, that'll be the access controls :-(10:26.04 
kens I sort of suspected it woulld be10:26.38 
chrisl Obviously, we have to initialise the interpteter to process the -c stuff10:27.19 
kens Ah, yes, that will do it.10:27.54 
chrisl We should just drop any attempt at security and tell people to suck it up......10:29.00 
kens The only solution I can think of to that is to preprocess the entire command line and add the '@file' to the permitted reading list before processing the -c...-f code10:29.06 
  Or we could just say that -c and @file are incompatible. Is there a reason not to move the @file to before the -c, or to not put the -c inside the @file ? I assume that would work, I haven't tried it10:30.50 
chrisl I assume because the @file contains the input file10:31.14 
rnissl chrisl, it contains additional input files10:31.43 
  but I could change the command line to just a single @file, just as kens suggested10:32.12 
kens I'm not certain that would work, I haven't tried it, but it might10:32.32 
  I was sort of thinking out loud about how we should tackle this. Whether its even possible for us to make this work, or if we have to document the limitation10:33.03 
chrisl It's not a usage of the @ syntax that was intended, I wouldn't think10:34.01 
kens As I understand it, teh @file intention was to enable command lines to be used which exceed the OS limitation on command line lengths10:35.04 
chrisl But I assume it was intended for command line options, rather than input files10:35.36 
kens Possibly Windows was 256 bytes at some point, or soemthing like that. DOS would have been short for sure10:35.37 
  No, full command line, if you have several files with long paths, they can easily exceed a short command line10:36.07 
chrisl The problem is, after a "-c", most -d and -s options will have no effect10:36.46 
rnissl kens, that was true in my case when there where a lot of additional input files10:37.04 
  what about this sequence: -dNOSAFER -c 3000000 setvmthreshold -f mailFilterText.ps -c .setsafe -f input.ps10:37.09 
kens Absolutely true, I would 'expect' all the command line optiosn, and teh intput filenames, to be in the @file normally10:37.16 
  rnissl that would probably work, we're really just discussing how/if we can address this in the general case10:38.00 
rnissl will -c force safer, so that mailFilterText.ps is unable to do unsafe stuff?10:38.27 
kens -c causes the PostScript interpreter to start up, that will 'freeze' the directory permissions at that point10:39.01 
chrisl Not with NOSAFER on the command line10:39.20 
kens Yes, sorry, I thought that was a separate question10:39.41 
rnissl i'll be away for lunch -- need to talk about that later10:40.06 
kens OK for me putting the -c....-f inside the @file works. I'm inclined to document this under both -c and @file as a limitation; if you want to use both of these then the -c...-f sequence must be in the @file10:43.12 
  More generally we probably need to point out in the -c code that this will (obviously) start the PostScript itnerpreter, which may limit what can be done afterwards in terms of -d and -s switches, and (unless -dNOSAFER is set) will freeze the file permissions10:44.59 
chrisl http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/chrisl/ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=8e54a18822cac35f0f5229636dee241ae29d5d9910:45.36 
kens Hmm, what about files inside teh @file ? Will those input files run ?10:46.24 
chrisl Yes10:46.34 
kens You might do better to ask Robin to review that than me, but it 'looks' OK to my limited understanding10:46.47 
chrisl Or, um, probably....10:46.57 
  Do we allow @files inside @files ?10:47.17 
kens Not that I know of, and I don't think we should!10:47.38 
chrisl I'm fairly sure that would still work, but not 100%10:48.03 
kens I will try it10:48.37 
  Well apparenlty @file inside @file works :-(10:50.56 
chrisl Well, it also works with that patch, so that's okay10:52.48 
kens OK well that sounds like a good solution then10:54.28 
chrisl kens: The effect of -c is already mentioned in Use.htm10:57.45 
kens OK good enough then :-)10:57.59 
rnissl back from lunch ;-)11:23.00 
  so rc3 will fix that regression?11:23.09 
chrisl rnissl: If we do an RC3 - it will definitely work in the release11:27.09 
rnissl chrisl, then I'll pull and build a binary myself to finish testing.11:35.23 
  Thanks for your support. Bye.11:35.29 
chrisl Thanks for reporting!11:35.36 
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