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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/09/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/09/26) >>>20190925 
fluffypony heya20:15.11 
  struggling to use gs 9.27 to strip hyperlinks from PDFs (to prevent phishing attacks on uploads)20:15.36 
  -dPrinted=true doesn't seem to work for all links, so I've added -dShowAnnots=false 20:16.00 
  that works 100% of the time, but it strips other types of annotations too20:16.09 
  so then I -c "/ShowAnnotTypes" with a list of annotations I want, basically everything except /Link20:16.36 
  but that doesn't seem to be working as expected - the link is still preserved in my test file 20:17.00 
  and if I combine -dShowAnnots=false *and* -c "/ShowAnnotTypes" then it looks like the ShowAnnots=false overrides my fine-grained settings20:17.32 
  and it wipes out all annotations 20:17.37 
sebras fluffypony: please be prepared to wait for an answer. it may be that no one will answer you until the european devs are back tomorrow. just so you know. :)20:57.03 
fluffypony totally fine, I'm in no rush :)21:14.21 
  tks sebras 21:14.21 
sebras fluffypony: I've seen it happen so many times: people log on, aska question and gives up after 3 minutes, and then someone answers after 15... ;) but I have to be realistic about the time estimates.21:16.25 
fluffypony lol I can imagine!21:16.39 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/09/24)Forward 1 day (to 2019/09/26)>>> 
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