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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/10/18)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/10/20) >>>20191019 
vlt Hello. I used `gs ... -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c '[/CropBox [...]' -c ' /PAGES pdfmark' -f input.pdf` to crop a PDF file. It kind of works. It produces an output PDF of roughly the same size as the input but opened in a PDF viewer displays only the cropped area. But ...13:42.31 
  ... using that cropped file as input for `... -sDEVICE=png16m` ignores the cropping and I get a full size raster image.13:43.31 
  Is there a way to tell gs only to render a certain box of an input file when using one of the raster image output devices?13:44.31 
  My current workaround is to use -sDEVICE=ppm and pipe that to pnmcut. That is a lot of wasted calculations (though surprisingly low on memory consumption).13:46.33 
kens vlt: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.50/Use.htm#PDF_switches14:10.17 
vlt kens: Thank you! I’ll try that.14:21.06 
  Seems to work fine :)14:40.27 
  Is there an output device other than "pngalpha" that will also do this "anti-aliasing" on vector edges but doesn't try to compress that much? I tried ppm, tiff24nc and even (the compressing) png16m and got stair-steps. Any idea?14:48.31 
kens Al the contone devices support -dGraphicsAlphaBits and -dTextAlphaBits15:15.20 
  Also there is tiffscaled which does anti-aliasing a different way15:15.45 
vlt kens: Thanks!15:30.05 
kens NP I'm off now15:30.12 
vlt has a lot to read15:30.15 
kens Feel free to ask questions, teh channel is logged and someone will answer when they see it.15:30.36 
  You can check the logs for replies, you don't need to stay here.15:30.48 
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